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Transaction Awards from the 2018 Annual Success Summit

Transaction awards are perhaps the most exciting because you get to see exactly how well the Help-U-Sell model performs, and why it has earned increased loyalty and gained popularity over the years among home sellers. Here are our top performing Broker/Owners who were given awards at the Annual Success Summit.

As we expected from our monthly Top Producer reports, we knew we would be seeing a lot of Mario Ferrante and Richard Cricchio trading back and forth for first place in our various categories. Both offices have been doing excellently. Congratulations are in order for everyone on this list.

Overall Transactions

Mario Ferrante, Help-U-Sell Metropolitan
1st Place Overall Transactions: 183



Richard Cricchio, Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties
2nd Place Overall Transactions: 165

Jack Bailey, Help-U-Sell Greensboro
3rd Place Overall Transactions: 131

Closed Seller Side Transactions

Richard Cricchio, Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties
1st Place Closed Seller Side Transactions: 121



Patrick Wood, Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties
2nd Place Closed Seller Side Transactions

Mario Ferrante, Help-U-Sell Metropolitan
3rd Place Closed Seller Sides Transactions

Closed Buyer Side Transactions

Mario Ferrante, Help-U-Sell Metropolitan
1st Place Closed Buyer Side Transactions: 84

Jack Bailey, Help-U-Sell Greensboro
2nd Place Closed Buyer Side Transactions

David Bartels, Help-U-Sell Full Service Realty
3rd Place Closed Buyer Side Transactions

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Sales Volume Awards from the 2018 Annual Success Summit

Although these awards are tracked on a different timeline than our normal Top Producer’s list due to the Success Summit being held in December, we have a lot to celebrate here. Here are our Broker/Owners at the top of our Sales Volume list! Congratulations Richard, Patrick, and David.

Richard Cricchio, Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties

1st Place Sales Volume: $92,666,040



Patrick Wood, Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties

2nd Place Sales Volume: $72,857,855



David Bartels, Broker/Owner of Help-U-Sell Full Service RealtyDavid Bartels, Help-U-Sell Full Service Realty

3rd Place Sales Volume: $42,071,800

From Moxie to Mentoring

Tito Gonzalez of Help-U-Sell South Santa Clara CountyAdalberto “Tito” Gonzalez’s entrance into real estate began with pure moxie. “I walked into a Help-U-Sell Real Estate office and asked for a job. The owner of the franchise told me to get my real estate license and come back to work for him. So that is exactly what I did,” Tito shared, laughing. In March 2004, Tito got his license and started as an escrow processor. “There was so much to learn because I had never been in real estate. Previously, I was helping my dad, who owned apartment complexes, and studying music composition at a San Jose college. This was a whole new venture, but I was fascinated.”

When Tito later became a Broker, he opened his own office, Help-U-Sell  South Santa Clara County. Working with him are two part-time agents, several referral-only agents and a virtual processor. “I train and mentor people on how to handle buyer leads and everything else. I believe training consistently solves 80% of the challenges that come up around real estate. They are better equipped to handle the nuances of the industry. You know you’ve been doing something right for a long time when old sellers come back to you a second time around, or their grown children are seeking their own real estate from you. When you’re competing against traditional real estate, you have to offer more. With repeat and generational clients coming to me, I have proven my methods. Service stays with people,” Tito said.

When it comes to marketing and brand awareness, Tito is not afraid of mixing approaches. “There’s so much advertising that you can do. The corporate office has done a great job of automating the Center of Influence (CI) and Arounds postcards. I always use the postcards because they are super easy. CI contacts get hit with active listings and they see you are still in business. The neighbors receiving the Arounds postcards result in me providing many free market valuations. I had the company car wrapped two and a half years ago. That cost me $2,400, but I know it brought in four total sides for me. I’m the only Help-U-Sell broker within a 25-mile radius, so many small efforts keep my presence known, and it works,” Tito explained. “Help-U-Sell reduces the amount of time that I spend on marketing. I don’t have four hours to spend working on a single piece. When we set up the postcards, they’re done right and then it’s automated. I love the Power Listing Tools, too. You upload the picture and information, and they send you a box of attractive marketing materials, including door hangers. It’s impressive to the client, and again, it’s easy and looks great.”

A natural sales closer for Tito is telling potential clients how much he has saved for others. “When I walk into a listing appointment, I tell them ‘if you pick me just because you like me, that’s not better for you’. That’s not a competitive edge. I always have the program ready with a photo of the house and the flyers made up. I share information of the recently sold homes in their area and show them how much my previous clients have saved. Usually it is around $14,000, and generally gets a great response. Sellers hate paying 5% or 6% commission, but they are also afraid to let go of the old model. I’ve built my entire message around, ‘What would you do with $14,000?’ I tell them if I’m not the right fit for them, they can use me as a resource, which engenders trust,” Tito said.

While other franchise options have appeared and disappeared over the years, Tito is quite happy with his very first choice. He went on to say, “I first showed up to Help-U-Sell because I wanted to learn and work. I’ve stayed with Help-U-Sell because it’s a small, ‘open door’ company. It’s easy to reach people at the home office. The Annual Summit also creates that accessible feeling, which I like. I’ve not seen other real estate options that are a better fit. I stuck around because we rock the boat. Help-U-Sell has the power to be different by offering a different product. Despite would-be copycats, there’s nothing like this out there. The high quality and caliber of what they create in combination with a strong value proposition keeps me motivated.”

Tito’s success is not lost on other competitors, either. “What is really flattering is, I am often headhunted by traditional real estate offices. They don’t get that I have my own business with my own brand, I’m independent and have the flexibility I need. What could they possibly offer me? Why would I possibly want to work for someone else?” Tito asked.

“I’ll tell you one last thing,” Tito said, “One day, out of the blue, the Florida-based Owner/Chief Operating Officer and his wife showed up at my office in California! They’re kind, low-key people, highly approachable and very warm. I don’t know of any instance where the owner of a company shows up at a franchisee office just to have a look around, say hello, and see how things are going for you. There’s that book, Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable, Help-U-Sell is the purple cow.”

October Top Producers

October brings many familiar changes as autumn turns into winter, but there are always a few surprises. The same holds true for our top-performing Broker/Owners! While many of the names are familiar, there are always other offices striving to break into the top ten and shaking up the order. We love it!

It’s worth noting that the competition was so heated, there was a five-way tie for tenth place, and because life strives for balance, it’s a fun aside to mention that each of those offices closed five total sides each.

Back on the top of our list is the oft-appearing Mario Ferrante and his Help-U-Sell Metropolitan office with a total of 15 sides.

Patrick Wood and his team at Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties are number two holding steady at 14 sides.

Debra Schmidt and her team at Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate of Steele County hold third place with 12 total sides. All three of them have been consistently bringing the A game for much of 2018.

A special shout-out goes to the different faces in this month’s list, it is great to see you here! Kimber Regan at Help-U-Sell Hanford/Lemoore, Ryan Joyce at Help-U-Sell Bakersfield Equity Savers, and Nathan Douglas at Help-U-Sell Santa Maria. Congratulations on an excellent month, and we look forward to seeing you here again soon.

Office Buyer Seller Total Sides
Help-U-Sell Metropolitan 4 11 15
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties 2 12 14
Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate of Steele County Inc. 7 5 12
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties 4 7 11
Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty 4 4 8
Help-U-Sell  Hanford/Lemoore 4 4 8
Help-U-Sell Greensboro 2 5 7
Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate 2 4 6
Help-U-Sell Advance Realty 1 4 5
Help-U-Sell Bakersfield Equity Savers 2 3 5
Help-U-Sell Columbia Basin 5 5
Help-U-Sell Full Service Realty 2 3 5
Help-U-Sell Santa Maria 2 3 5

Patrick Wood of Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties once again has the number one office on our   gross sales volume list.

Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties is another mainstay of our top producers list, and comes in second place this time around.

While Marc Dosik with Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty comes in third, he has a lot of looking over his shoulder to do with Yasumi Davis and Help-U-Sell Golden Homes coming in fourth place.

We are excited to see Tito Gonzalez and his Help-U-Sell South Santa Clara County Office coming in fifth place. Tito will be the focus of our next broker-owner profile, so be on the lookout for that article next week!

Office October 2018
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties $      7,771,900
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties $      6,697,500
Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty $      3,622,900
Help-U-Sell Golden Homes $      2,632,625
Help-U-Sell South Santa Clara County $      2,248,000
Help-U-Sell Advance Realty $      2,179,000
Help-U-Sell Full Service Realty $      2,174,000
Help-U-Sell Tri-Valley Homes $      1,968,200
Help-U-Sell Hanford/Lemoore $      1,910,900
Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate of Steele County Inc. $      1,851,100

In less than a week, we will be gathered around many tables with our friends and loved ones, giving thanks for everything in our lives that is positive and good. Our thanks to YOU for making Help-U-Sell Real Estate a part of your lives. We thank you for all that you do for your clients, for your families and friends, and for each other.

Hot Utah Market Spurs Growth for Broker

Danny Kettle was working in regional sales in California, selling garage door systems to big box stores when a friend from his home state suggested he get involved in real estate. His friend owned a Help-U-Sell Real Estate franchise office and explained there was nothing else like it around. Business was good, and he invited Danny to get involved.

He moved back to Utah and pursued his real estate license while his friend was the broker of record. “Retrospectively, I realize 2007 was not the best time to get involved in real estate, but we made it work. I made a check every month. We had to be lean at first, and since I was still learning, that was okay,” Danny shared. “I spent three years as an agent and then became a broker. My partner had a reciprocal license out of Idaho and consulted.”

Since those lean beginnings, Danny’s office, Help-U-Sell Legacy, has grown to nine licensed agents. “Me and three other people produce the majority of the transactions each month. The others are part-time and mostly show houses. We also have a transaction coordinator, of course. I’ve only ever added people to our team when natural growth made sense. I’m not out there recruiting,” he added.

While his team is always working hard, part of the recent success is due to the hot market in Utah right now. “We list homes and have a contract within a few days. Much of the new growth is due to tech companies coming here, which is creating the need for more infrastructure and homes. The airport was recently expanded, and we now have an area called “Silicon Slopes” (akin to Silicon Valley in California). Homes are in short supply; contractors can’t build them fast enough, even though they are trying.  The median price of a home was around $275,000 just last year, now it’s more common to see houses in the $300,000 to $450,000 range. Our region is really growing quickly,” Danny explained.

To handle the uptick in his market, Danny had a plan already in place. He went on to say, “The main thing is to have the right people with you as growth happens. A few of my agents have been with me for more than five or six years. I can’t say enough good things about Tasha, our Transaction Coordinator and Office Manager. She really takes care of everything the team needs. Brandon is one of my main producers, he’s responsible for about half of the transactions in our office.  Last year we did 70 transactions, this year we’re on track to do at least that, if not more. One of my agents speaks Spanish and since we’re getting a lot of clientele moving here from California, we’re positioned to serve another burgeoning market. We continually add new services to accommodate change.”

When it comes to competition, Danny is confident in his ability to outperform them. “Help-U-Sell is different from every other real estate franchise out there. When I meet with a new client for a listing, I tell them that I’m going to do exactly the same thing as a traditional brokerage. But I’ll do even more on top of that, and I’m going to save them money while I’m doing it. I almost always get the sale with that approach,” Danny said. “People don’t want to give away all the equity in their house. The business model helps us pick up more listings. We illustrate that we can do it all, and the clients sign on gladly.”

To help spread awareness, Danny is fond of using the automated Center of Influence postcards and the “Just Listed/Just Sold” postcards. “We’ve begun working with the FSBO and Expired Listing programs as well; we expect it will add traction. However, what we find works best is just getting in front of people. When we illustrate the value of what we do naturally, along with the professional, ready-made marketing materials from the corporate office, it all comes together easily,” Danny explained.

In his off time, Danny is raising four kids with his wife, Jessica, who has a bustling business as a wedding photographer. He supports the Sunflower Charity, a children’s home in Peru for orphans and street children. This year he took his oldest child to Peru on a humanitarian trip, where they  served children at the Sunflower Children’s home. Danny added, “Right now we’re helping 15 kids, the capacity for the house is 80. There’s more fundraising to do because we want to help more people. Part of my drive to succeed with my Help-U-Sell business is so that I’m able to do good elsewhere.”