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Short Sale Playbook Webinar Replay

If you missed the original webinar you absolutely must watch the replay so you can understand the new short sale rules and how they will affect both you, and your clients.
The new HAFA short sale rules took effect last week, and most agents are unprepared for the significant changes in short sale procedures and forms.
It is vital that you arm yourself with the knowledge to take advantage and profit from these new rules.
Understand that this is not just another glossy webinar.
Rather it is a detailed explanation of the HAFA program and the new guidelines the agents will have to work under.
Here is a reminder of what we covered in this “must see” webinar…
  • The HAFA short sale process from beginning to end
  • Mandatory clauses that must be included in all listing and purchase agreements
  • The new mandatory holding period after a HAFA short sale closes
  • What minimum documents and information you must submit to the servicer in a HAFA short sale package
  • The time limits for approving HAFA short sale listings and offers
  • When a foreclosure sale will be suspended and for how long
  • When a servicer must accept a short sale offer
  • The new incentive compensation for 1sts, 2nds, servicers and borrowers
  • And so much more…
To watch the recording, visit the link below. It won’t be online for long:

Here is a link to watch the replay: