Taking a look at our results in February, love must have surely been in the air seeing how our offices soared to new heights!
1) Riding the wave way up high is Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties completing the month with a total of 19 closings, five on the buyer and fourteen on the seller sides.

2) A very strong second place goes to Help-U-Sell Triad Realty with 16 closings, seven on the buyer and nine on the seller sides.
3) In third place was Help-U-Sell Direct Savings with a total of 12 closings, three on the buyer and nine on the seller sides.

4) Rounding up at fourth place is Help-U- Sell Full Service Realty with a total of 9 closings, three on the buyer and six on the seller sides.
Well done to all our offices on these terrific results and let’s keep up the great work!