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OMS Upgrades – New Leads Management Tool

Several of our franchisees requested the ability to export leads and contacts from the Office Management System. We have just added this functionality to the back-end, in the Reports section.

To access these exports, click on Reports under the Sales tab.

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Contact and Lead Management Tools
To access contact and lead export tools, click on Reports on the Sales menu in OMS.

Once you’ve selected either Contact or Lead export, you can choose a specific category to export. In this example, Sellers have been chosen from the Contact category.

Help-U-Sell Contact Export Menu
Choose a specific contact type (or choose all) to export from the OMS.

There are six options for exporting the generated list of contacts or leads, including Acrobat (PDF), Excel 97-2003 and CSV, which will likely be the most useful.

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Contact and Lead Export Tool
You can export your contacts and leads in six different formats, including CSV and PDF.

If you have any questions about the new functionality or would like to request additional export or report categories, contact us at support[at]helpusell[dot]com.