At Help-U-Sell Real Estate, we don’t recruit agents to help grow our business. We recruit agents to help us take care of the business we have created. That means our recruitment is much more strategic than most traditional brokerages.
To assist our brokers in their recruitment efforts, we’ve created a new campaign, which includes a drip email, a poster/flyer and a postcard.
All of these contain bullet-pointed benefits of joining Help-U-Sell Real Estate, a photo of an agent in one of our offices, and her testimonial.

You can find the postcard (coming soon) and poster on Alexander’s Print Advantage’s website under Recruitment, and the drip email in OMS. We also have recruitment signs and a brochure, as well as other recruitment drip emails.
Send out the drip email to agents from other brokerages or who you meet while networking. Hang the poster in your office and on community bulletin boards at coffee shops. Mail the postcard to agents in your area in addition to, or instead of, the drip email.
When will you be ready to recruit? The general rule of thumb for when to start hiring agents is when you are averaging three to four closed sides per month. Who should your targets be? Newly licensed agents and young, disillusioned agents often make the best candidates. For more about recruiting the Help-U-Sell Real Estate way, watch the University video “Hiring Buyer Agents.” It’s Lesson 1 in Module 6.
How have you successfully recruited agents in the past? Share your advice with us.