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Car Wraps Can Drive Lead Generation

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Car Wrap Designs
Help-U-Sell Real Estate unveils new car wrap designs.

What’s better than a billboard advertising your office? How about a moving vehicle that goes where you go, or that could be parked in various high-visibility locations around town? We have worked with our on-demand print vendor, Alexander’s Print Advantage, to create new car wrap designs that can be adapted to any make or model.

The designs come in three coverage options for now. The cost increases with the amount of surface that is decorated, and the size of the vehicle also affects the price. Alexander’s will print the design and ship to the customer’s local installer, which Alexander’s can help the customer select.

After a trial run with the first three customers, Alexander’s plans to automate the ordering process on its website. If you are a Help-U-Sell Real Estate franchisee or agent and want to participate in the trial run, call or email us.

Have you had your car wrapped before? Share with us your success story.