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New Video: For Sale by Owner

Are you selling your home without a real estate agent? At Help-U-Sell Real Estate, we believe homeowners can and do sell their own properties all the time. But we also know our professional, licensed agents can help you market your property, screen and find qualified buyers, and navigate the legal paperwork… all for a low set fee, not a percentage-based commission.

Watch our new video to learn how Help-U-Sell Real Estate saves FSBOs time, stress, and money!

Hopefully, if the time comes when you’re tired of the process of selling your home yourself and ready to seek the help of a professional, you’ll think of us. When you’re ready to speak with a Help-U-Sell Real Estate agent to ask for advice or to list your property, you can find your local office on our website.

We wish you the best as you sell your house!

Working with FSBOs

According to an article on CNNMoney last week, the number of homeowners selling their properties without a broker or agent has increased over the past year. One of the reasons FSBOs (for sale by owners) cite for going it on their own is to save the large commissions most brokers and agents charge.

Of course, at Help-U-Sell Real Estate, our low set fee can save FSBOs money and time and still be involved in the selling process, which is a compelling offer for some FSBOs. Others can successfully manage the sale of their homes on their own. This is something to keep in mind if you choose to market to FSBOs. The approach we advocate taking is that of a friendly resource, free of charge, unless we find a buyer for the FSBO. We are not trying to list the FSBO’s house.

Help-U-Sell Real Estate's approach to FSBOs
Help-U-Sell Real Estate's approach to FSBOs is as a friendly resource who wants to help the seller, not to land a listing.

To assist the seller, we recommend offering the following items or services of value:
* a suggested listing price
* advice
* showing the seller’s house to buyers
* monthly sales statistics from the MLS
* following up with open house visitors

This approach goes right along with the Help-U-Sell Real Estate founding principle of serving the consumer. Even if the broker or agent never gets the FSBO’s listing, he or she could acquire buyers’ names, be hired to help the FSBO with closing, and gain a new brand advocate.

For more advice and suggested dialogue when working with FSBOs, watch Help-U-Sell University video Module 4: Lesson 1.

How have you reached out to FSBOs successfully in the past? Share your experiences with us.