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Help-U-Sell Real Estate for Agents

Are you a real estate agent looking for a new opportunity, where your broker hands you leads that you can take from prospect to buyer?

Or are you a Help-U-Sell Real Estate franchisee who needs to recruit in order to handle all the leads coming into the office?

Either way, our new video is just for you!

It outlines the opportunities agents who work for a Help-U-Sell office have compared to a traditional brokerage that is focused on recruiting and expects agents to bring in their own leads. Among our powerful differences: our low set fee attracts seller leads, and our broker-centric business model places the responsibility of marketing and advertising on brokers. That means our agents reap the rewards of steady quality leads without spending time or money marketing to them.

Watch the video for more on the unique and rewarding agent opportunity with a Help-U-Sell office.

If you’re an agent who wants to know more about joining a Help-U-Sell team, locate your nearest office on our corporate site.

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Named Top Low-Cost Franchise

Franchise Business Review Top Low Cost Franchise
Help-U-Sell Real Estate was named one of Franchise Business Review's top low-cost franchises.

We are honored to announce that we have been selected as one of the top low-cost franchises in North America by Franchise Business Review, a national franchise market research firm.

Franchisee satisfaction, as determined by an extensive survey, was the primary factor in creating the final list of 80 franchises that require under $100,000 of investment funds. You can read the entire report here.

In total, Franchise Business Review surveyed more than 9,200 franchisees from 132 different brands, to identify the top low-cost franchises with the most satisfied franchisees. Keeping our franchisees happy is among our top priorities, so this is a particular honor for us.

Right now, we are even more affordable with our franchise fee finance assistance program. You could become a franchisee for only $2,500 in up-front fees. Read more about the program on our website.

Top Producers for May 2015

Help-U-Sell Westside Realty
Henry Ho, the broker/owner of Help-U-Sell Westside Realty, helped a Los Angeles homeowner sell his property for $1 million in May.

As the weather improved, May bloomed for many Help-U-Sell offices, especially those in the South.

1) Help-U-Sell Buy Today, in Charlotte, closed an impressive 18 sides, consisting of eight buyer and 10 seller transactions.

2) Virginia-based Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate had a sweet 16 closed sides. Two were buyer sides, eight were seller sides, and three were dual-sided transactions.

3) Carlisle, Pennsylvania’s Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty completed 11 closed sides: six buyers and five sellers.

4) Help-U-Sell Greensboro round out the top offices with 10 sides made up of two buyer sides and eight seller sides.

Congratulations to our top producers for May and a special mention of our offices that helped clients sell their $1 million properties: Help-U-Sell Action Properties, Help-U-Sell Town & Coastal Properties, and Help-U-Sell Westside Realty!

[Figures as of June 9, 2015]