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What’s New at Help-U-Sell Real Estate

Charles Herget is returning to the company as owner of Help-U-Sell Hunter Herget Real Estate.
Charles Herget is returning to the company as owner of Help-U-Sell Hunter Herget Real Estate.

As we head into fall, we’re ramping up our activities, from welcoming new offices to meeting with prospective franchisees. We also have some award news.

New Offices: Two new offices are opening in California within the next month. Please welcome Joseph Sampson, owner of Help-U-Sell Marquis Properties in Del Mar, and welcome back Charles Herget, owner of Help-U-Sell Hunter Herget Real Estate in Alameda.

In-Person Seminars: In October and November, we will be conducting free in-person seminars in Ontario, Calif., and Chandler, Ariz. If you are a potential franchisee in one of these areas who would like to attend, please register. The Ontario seminar is Oct. 7, and the Chandler seminar is Nov. 9. Event locations and times are on the website.

Top Low-Cost Franchise: We’ve been named a top low-cost franchise by Franchise Business Review. The publication highlights franchises with an initial investment of $100,000 or under and the highest owner satisfaction ratings, based on a survey. Read the entire guide.

Watch for more growth and harvesting this fall. We have a lot more in store. If you are interested in becoming part of the excitement, visit our Franchise Opportunity Center.

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Franchise Sales News

California Real Estate Advertorial
Look for our ads and advertorials in upcoming issues of California Real Estate magazine.

The summer temperatures haven’t slowed us down. In fact, things are heating up around here to get us ready for a banner fall. Read the highlights of our franchise sales efforts.

California Realtor Expo and Advertising: As reported back in June, we will have a booth at the event this month in Long Beach. If you’ll be in attendance, stop by and see us at booth #221. You can register online. Also, look for our advertorials and ads in the next few issues of “California Real Estate” magazine. Here is a sneak peek at the first advertorial.

New Banner Stand
We’ve updated our franchise sales banners with new messaging and images.

New Banner Stands and Brochure: You’ll see our updated banner stands in person if you’re at the California Realtor Expo Sept. 27-29. We have one focused on technology and the other on our competitive advantage (pictured). We’re also finalizing a refresh of our franchise sales brochure. It will be mailed to prospective franchisees and given out at events such as the California Realtor Expo.

Informational Webinars: This Friday, September 9, we are hosting a free informational webinar for those who are interested in our franchise opportunity. For those who cannot attend next Friday, we will hold two more before the end of the year. People can register for any of the webinars on the Franchise Opportunity Center website. If you know someone who would like to attend, please share the link with him or her.

These are just a few of the franchise sales initiatives we have in the works, but we wanted to give you a sneak peek into some of what’s happening at the home office. As we have more news we can share, we will keep you posted.

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Hires Veteran Franchisee as Chief Development Officer

John Powell joins Help-U-Sell Real Estate
John Powell has joined Help-U-Sell Real Estate’s corporate staff as its Chief Development Officer.

We want to officially announce that John Powell has joined the Help-U-Sell Real Estate corporate staff! As many of you know, John is a veteran franchisee. He has also presented at our Success Summits and coaches other franchisees. He served as a regional director, as well, so he is very familiar with our system from all aspects.

Now, he is our Chief Development Officer.

While he spread the company’s message in the Tucson area as broker-owner of Help-U-Sell Galleria, his new position affords him the chance to do this on a larger scale.

“I joined the corporate team to help as many brokers as possible enjoy the success that I have experienced with Help-U-Sell Real Estate,” John says.

“My role has two primary objectives: one is coaching existing offices to increase their production and profitability by focusing on marketing, adding good people to their staff, training those people, and setting up systems to make the office run smoothly and efficiently,” he says. “The second role is to help build franchise sales to bring more brokers in to the Help-U-Sell Real Estate family and grow the franchise.”

The corporate staff is excited to have John officially on board.

“John brings decades of real estate and regional development experience, on top of being a Help-U-Sell Real Estate family member for nearly 30 years,” says Robert Stevens, our Chief Operations Officer. “He will be driving network growth and development to help us reach our goals for 2016-17 and beyond.”

If you are a current broker who is interested in joining a coaching group, please get in touch. If you are not yet one of our franchisees but would like to learn about becoming one, please visit

Live from Atlantic City

Triple Play Expo 2015
Come by our booth at the Triple Play Trade Expo!

We’re in Atlantic City, New Jersey, this week for the annual Triple Play Realtor Convention & Trade Expo! If you’re in attendance and looking for a new franchise opportunity, we’d love to meet you.

Stop by to see us at booth #203. Ron McCoy, our vice president of business development, is on hand to answer your questions about Help-U-Sell Real Estate’s franchise opportunity.

If you couldn’t make it to Triple Play but want more information about us, please visit our Franchise Opportunity Center website or join our free informational webinar this Friday.

Join Us at Triple Play Realtor Expo

Triple Play Realtor Expo
Join us for the Triple Play Realtor Convention & Trade Expo in Atlantic City this December.

What are you doing this December? We’ll be in Atlantic City, NJ, for the annual Triple Play Realtor Convention & Trade Expo. The dates are Dec. 8 and 9, 2015, and we’d love to meet brokers and agents from New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, who are looking for a new opportunity.

Stop by to see us at booth #203. Ron McCoy, our vice president of business development, will be on hand to answer your questions about Help-U-Sell Real Estate’s franchise opportunity. You can register for Triple Play online. We also would love to see our area franchisees!

If you cannot attend Triple Play but want more information about us, please visit our Franchise Opportunity Center website or sign up for an upcoming informational webinar.