Help-U-Sell App Featured on Technology News Site

Help-U-Sell’s new web-based mobile application, set to launch next month, has been featured on technology news site AGBeat. The article previews the app’s functionality and showcases several screenshots.

Read the entire article on AGBeat and let us know what you think (and please comment on the AGBeat article if you like what you see!). You can also look at the overview we published on Connect for more screenshots.

Stay tuned for next month’s app debut!

Help-U-Sell Success Summit

As many of you have already heard, we’re hosting the 2011 Help-U-Sell Success Summit from November 14-16, immediately following the NAR Annual Convention. The summit will be held at the Hotel Menage in Anaheim, Calif. You can find the details about the hotel and booking a room on our Set Fee Blog. The room rate is a great deal, and the summit itself is free.

As for the summit’s content, we thank all of you who contributed your ideas via our recent survey. The top two topics were:

  • Technology
  • Creative Financing

We also received a lot of write-in topics as a result of the survey. In order to accommodate as many of these as possible, we plan to hold many roundtable-type discussions simultaneously. Participants will be able to hop from one table to the next and soak up as much knowledge (and impart as much knowledge) as they can.

We hope you can join us in November!

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