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What’s New at Help-U-Sell Real Estate

Charles Herget is returning to the company as owner of Help-U-Sell Hunter Herget Real Estate.
Charles Herget is returning to the company as owner of Help-U-Sell Hunter Herget Real Estate.

As we head into fall, we’re ramping up our activities, from welcoming new offices to meeting with prospective franchisees. We also have some award news.

New Offices: Two new offices are opening in California within the next month. Please welcome Joseph Sampson, owner of Help-U-Sell Marquis Properties in Del Mar, and welcome back Charles Herget, owner of Help-U-Sell Hunter Herget Real Estate in Alameda.

In-Person Seminars: In October and November, we will be conducting free in-person seminars in Ontario, Calif., and Chandler, Ariz. If you are a potential franchisee in one of these areas who would like to attend, please register. The Ontario seminar is Oct. 7, and the Chandler seminar is Nov. 9. Event locations and times are on the website.

Top Low-Cost Franchise: We’ve been named a top low-cost franchise by Franchise Business Review. The publication highlights franchises with an initial investment of $100,000 or under and the highest owner satisfaction ratings, based on a survey. Read the entire guide.

Watch for more growth and harvesting this fall. We have a lot more in store. If you are interested in becoming part of the excitement, visit our Franchise Opportunity Center.

What We’re Thankful for in 2015

Our favorite time of year has returned! We love giving thanks for our many blessings.

What we’re thankful for in 2015:

Jack Bailey at Success Summit 2015
Jack Bailey educated us about buyer consultations at Success Summit 2015.
  • Our new additions to the Help-U-Sell Real Estate family! We are grateful and excited for them as they build their brokerages and help their clients.
  • The great turnout for our Honolulu training and our annual Success Summit in Las Vegas. We appreciate everyone taking the time out of their busy schedules to attend these events and, most importantly, for your continued contributions and camaraderie.
  • The improving health of beloved broker/owner Ken Kopcho (Help-U-Sell Santa Maria), who suffered a terrible accident earlier this year. His inextinguishable spirit no doubt is helping his remarkable recovery that we hope keeps moving forward.
  • Broker/owners John Powell (Help-U-Sell Galleria Realty) and Jack Bailey (Help-U-Sell Greensboro) for coaching their fellow franchisees weekly. Everyone learns so much from John’s and Jack’s guidance, whether it’s teaching how to capture more seller leads or how to assist buyers.
  • Our print vendors, Excel Print and Mail and Alexander’s Print Advantage, for always working with us and our franchisees to create innovative marketing materials.
  • Franchise Business Review awards. This year, we were bestowed with more top franchise accolades from the market research firm, including a Franchisee Satisfaction Award and being listed among the top low-cost franchises and top franchises for veterans.

As we wind down 2015, we look ahead to more to celebrate next year, our 40th anniversary in particular. We wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and holiday season!

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Named Top Low-Cost Franchise

Franchise Business Review Top Low Cost Franchise
Help-U-Sell Real Estate was named one of Franchise Business Review's top low-cost franchises.

We are honored to announce that we have been selected as one of the top low-cost franchises in North America by Franchise Business Review, a national franchise market research firm.

Franchisee satisfaction, as determined by an extensive survey, was the primary factor in creating the final list of 80 franchises that require under $100,000 of investment funds. You can read the entire report here.

In total, Franchise Business Review surveyed more than 9,200 franchisees from 132 different brands, to identify the top low-cost franchises with the most satisfied franchisees. Keeping our franchisees happy is among our top priorities, so this is a particular honor for us.

Right now, we are even more affordable with our franchise fee finance assistance program. You could become a franchisee for only $2,500 in up-front fees. Read more about the program on our website.

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Earns Top Franchise Honors

Help-U-Sell Real Estate has been named a Franchisee Satisfaction Awards winner by Franchise Business Review for the fourth consecutive year! And, we’ve improved on our ranking to finish fourth among all real estate franchise companies whose franchisees were surveyed. We want to say thank you to our franchisees for taking the time to participate and for giving us such positive feedback!

FBR50 Top Franchises 2015
For the fourth year in a row, Help-U-Sell Real Estate has been named a top franchisee by Franchise Business Review.

In response to the award, Ron McCoy, our vice president of business development, said: “I couldn’t be more proud of our achievement in ranking among the top five in the real estate category this year. Sure, we’ve got some of the best tools, systems, and technology in the industry, but this honor is more about our people.”

We are listed under the Real Estate header in the publication “Today’s Top Franchises” on page 13. You can also view our description and ad on pages 37 and 38 in the online edition of the publication. The guide covers business trends, what to look for in a franchise, and other useful tips for potential franchisees.

If you would like more information on becoming a Help-U-Sell Real Estate franchisee, please call us at 941-951-7707, visit our website, or email info at

What We’re Thankful for in 2014

Movement Mortgage and Help-U-Sell Real Estate
Movement Mortgage representatives mingle with franchisees at a 2014 Success Summit reception.

It’s becoming an annual tradition to recount what has made us grateful in the past 12 months during Thanksgiving week. Many of the items on our list this year remain the same as last year, and we couldn’t be happier that we can repeat ourselves. It was another stellar year for Help-U-Sell Real Estate, and our fabulous franchisees had a great deal to do with our continued success, as always.

What we’re thankful for in 2014:

    * Our enthusiastic new franchisees! We are so glad they have joined the Help-U-Sell Real Estate family, and we look forward to watching them develop their businesses into dominant brokerages.
    * Our veteran franchisees! They are so willing to share their expertise with their fellow family members and have persevered through the tough times to see incredible growth network-wide this past year. We see more on the horizon for 2015.
    * The great participation at the Success Summit again and, more importantly, the genuine fellowship and valuable learning that happened at this and at every Summit.
    * Our new partnership with Movement Mortgage. Their values align so well with ours, and their unique offerings will provide another way for us to help our clients with their real estate transactions.
    * Winning Franchise Business Review’s Franchisee Satisfaction Award for the fourth year in a row. We are humbled by and appreciative of our franchisees’ votes of confidence.

Tell us what has inspired you to give thanks this year.