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February Top Producers 2024

“If January is the month of change, February is the month of lasting change. January is for dreamers… February is for doers.” – Marc Parent

Some days inspiration and motivation are harder to come by. Especially during a gray, overcast day where you may need that thicker sweater and an extra hot coffee to head outside to go and do.

The second half of our inspirational quote seems especially fitting: February is for doers. Anyone can utter promises on the eve of a new year. Taking goals seriously, with the plans and initiative to carry through takes real determination, because not every day turns out how you want or planned. Achievement means giving it your best as often as you can, trusting you will find your way there, or get a tad closer.

Here are the doers from February:

A triple tie in first place makes for a great game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Debra Schmidt of Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate of Steele County in Owatonna, Jack Bailey of Help-U-Sell Greensboro in North Carolina, and Jeff Hedberg of Help-U-Sell Real Masters in Port Huron, Michigan, all share the top spot with six sides a piece. 

Second place brings another tie between two offices and gentlemen:Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties in Hawaii, and Danny Kettle of Help-U-Sell Legacy in Layton, Utah. With five sides each, they are making every week count with a closing.

Kimberly Zelena, Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate

Taking third place is Kimberly Zelena of Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate in Waynesboro, Virginia. Her team closes February with four sides.  

Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate of Steele County Inc.336
Help-U-Sell Greensboro516
Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters516
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties415
Help-U-Sell Legacy325
Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate224
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties123
Help-U-Sell Metropolitan213
Help-U-Sell Bakersfield Equity Savers202
Help-U-Sell Keystone Realty202

On our Gross Sales Volume Report, competition makes for interesting changes.

Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties

Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties in Hawaii, returns to first place with another month in excess of two million. This time, it’s $2.2 million! Island time is always a good time to sell in Hawaii.

Another second place feather for the cap of Danny Kettle of Help-U-Sell Legacy in Layton, Utah. The second month of the year paved the way for $1.8 million in Gross Sales Volume. 

Third place is where we find Patrick Wood of Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties, in Chino Hills,California. Patrick’s team put $1.5 million on the board for February. 

Thank you for doing what you do.

OfficeGross Sales Volume
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties$2,232,000
Help-U-Sell Legacy$1,805,899
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties$1,575,800
Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate of Steele County Inc.$1,560,900
Help-U-Sell Greensboro$1,540,000
Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate$1,274,300
Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters$947,900
Help-U-Sell Capital City$800,000
Help-U-Sell Bakersfield Equity Savers$737,500
Help-U-Sell Keystone Realty$655,000