At Help-U-Sell Real Estate, we believe there’s a more fair way to charge our clients when we sell their homes than the traditional percentage-based commission. To explain our system and the way many traditional brokerages work when it comes to commission structure, we’ve created an informative video.
The new widget displays an office's sold and saved information and key performance indicators.
Help-U-Sell Real Estate brokers can show off their offices’ achievements, including how much they saved their seller clients, with a new widget. The widget displays as a table and can also contain data on other key performance indicators, such as total number of listings sold, days on market, and percentage of listings sold by MLS agents and sold in-house.
The widget will show the closing date, address, sale prices, days on market, and seller savings for each property an office sold. The data are pulled from the reported transactions in the Office Management System dating back to 2009. Offices can manually enter transactions that took place prior to that year. All data fields are optional, so offices can select to display the ones that most effectively reflect the offices’ success and abilities.
Because it is a widget, it automatically updates and it can be placed on any web page that an office can access from the back-end. So, a broker can embed the code on his blog, a third-party website, or on any page on his Help-U-Sell site.
Brokers can customize the sold and saved widget in Help-U-Sell Real Estate's Office Management System.
Brokers can access the new widget in OMS by clicking Website Widgets on the “Setup” tab. On the Website Widgets page, select Sold and Save Widget from the drop-down menu. All customization, from resizing to choosing what is displayed, happens here. Once everything is set up the way you want it, copy the code in the box and place it on the page where you want the widget to appear.
Jack Bailey is known for his buyer consultation. His office, Help-U-Sell Greensboro, closed six buyer sides in January 2014.
Last month’s wintry weather didn’t snow in our top producers for January! They closed an average of eight sides each.
1) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties repeated at number one with nine closed sides that consisted of one buyer side, four seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.
2) Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty, out of Pennsylvania, closed eight sides: one buyer, five seller, and two dual-sided transactions.
2) Tied for second place, Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate’s sides were dominated by sellers. In addition to six seller sides, the Virginia-based office closed one dual-sided transaction.
3) North Carolina’s Help-U-Sell Greensboro, in contrast, helped six buyers and one seller for a total of seven closed sides.
Congratulations to everyone and best wishes for an even better February!
Help-U-Sell Real Estate plans to launch its mobile-friendly website early this summer. Here is a screenshot of the homepage as a work-in-progress.
More than 40 percent of Help-U-Sell Real Estate’s website visitors view the site from a mobile device. With that number expected to grow as more people switch from laptops to tablets, we saw the need to create a mobile-friendly corporate site.
The new site will:
* be scalable to fit any device
* have a simpler design with more interactive video elements
* feature submenus within internal pages
* incorporate new search functionality that will use spatial data instead of city and suburbs.
The new search results page will be a full-screen map with an overlay of the filter options. Neighborhoods will replace cities in the locations field so that users can home in on to the exact areas and even the school districts they prefer. Users also will be able to search any criteria, from a street name to a zip code.
The asking price for each property will show up on the “pin” on the map. Tapping the pin will highlight the thumbnail photo and address of the property on a list to the right of the map.
The map will also update when it is moved or expanded, showing property pins in the newly viewed area.
The search functionality and map will roll out to broker websites when the corporate site launches. The soft launch is slated for spring, with the official launch planned for early summer.