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Top Producers July 2021

The July Top Producers Report has home sellers declaring independence from high-priced, traditional real estate commissions and choosing to save thousands of their earned equity by opting for a local expert next door from Help-U-Sell Real Estate instead. As the housing market continues to smolder for sellers, the number of days a listing stays on the market has stretched out a bit longer, giving more buyers a chance to zero in on buying a home after a year plus of breakneck competition and bidding wars.

Jack Bailey, Help-U-Sell Greensboro

At the top of this summer swelter is our Eagle-In-Residence, Broker/Owners Jack Bailey and his team at Help-U-Sell Greensboro in North Carolina. Coming in at 14 sides for July, 11 of those sides were from sellers, and that is something cool for clients no matter how hot the savings are.

Second place is a tie between two other very familiar faces. Mario Ferrante of Help-U-Sell Metropolitan in Woodhaven, Michigan, and Patrick Wood of Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties in Chino Hills, California. Both gentlemen scored 12 sides per office and a high five to share.

Kimberly Zelena, Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate

In third place is Kimberly Zelena and her team at Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate in Waynesboro, Virginia. With eight sides over a month that begins with a holiday weekend, that’s an average of two closings a week.

Out in the middle of our country lies another tie in fourth place between Lana Erwin at Help-U-Sell Edmond/OKC in Edmond, Oklahoma and Danny Kettle at Help-U-Sell Legacy in Layton, Utah. Both with smaller shops, they closed 7 sides each and prove you don’t need to have a large team to make a big impact.

There are multiple sets of ties for fifth and sixth place. The more the merrier, so please keep it up!

Help-U-Sell Greensboro31114
Help-U-Sell Metropolitan5712
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties21012
Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate268
Help-U-Sell Edmond/OKC347
Help-U-Sell Legacy167
Help-U-Sell First Choice Realty156
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties156
Help-U-Sell Keystone Realty156
Help-U-Sell Real Estate Specialists246
Help-U-Sell 951 Realty55
Help-U-Sell Central Properties145
Help-U-Sell Experts Realty145
Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate 145
Help-U-Sell Inland Valley235

Over here on the Gross Sales Volume Report is a familiar face and then a few surprise ladder climbers.

Naturally, we find Patrick Wood and his team at  Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties in Chino Hills, California in the first slot. To say they are usually crushing it is the understatement of the Top Producers report, and they do so in July with just over $9 million in sales. 

Our second place surprise comes in the form of Ronny Thompson at Help-U-Sell 951 Realty. While popping up on our list periodically has put them on a “one to watch” list, with $5.9 million in sales for the month we have to take notice!

In third place is Danny Kettle of Help-U-Sell Legacy in Layton, Utah. Danny and his team have been a pretty strong presence throughout the year so far. With $3.9 million in sales for July and a 4th place tie on the sides report, he’s clearing a path to where the Help-U-Sell eagles soar with sales. 

We wish all of you continued success in summer sales and look forward to seeing who surprises us next month. 

OfficeGross Sales Volume 
Help-U- Sell Prestige Properties$     9,077,800
Help-U-Sell 951 Realty$     5,907,000
Help-U-Sell Legacy$     3,985,000
Help-U-Sell Greensboro$     3,745,620
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties$     3,677,500
Help-U-Sell Inland Valley$     3,000,000
Help-U-Sell Treasure Coast$     2,650,000
Help-U-Sell Golden Homes$     2,418,000
Help-U-Sell Sims Realty$     1,945,000
Help-U-Sell Metropolitan$     1,935,400
Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate$     1,808,500

June 2020 Top Producers

Welcome to the June edition of the Top Producers Report. It already seems like it has been a long summer, likely because most of us are anxiously awaiting for life to return to some semblance of normal that we knew (and perhaps took for granted) before. However, several people featured on our report are making an argument in favor of creating what the new normal will look like by making strong sales in a time of uncertainty.  

After a very short-lived slow down, the top spot returns again to Mario Ferrante of Help-U-Sell Metropolitan in Woodhaven, Michigan. Clearly his team found their groove for June, putting up 15 sides. With 9 being sellers, we take that as a sign of folks getting comfortable placing their homes on the market.

Kimber Regan and the team at Help-U-Sell The Smart Choice land second place, just one sale behind first place with 14 sides! Hailing out of Hanford, California, Kimber’s team has consistently made progress throughout 2020, but this month’s numbers feel more like a defiant response that asks, “What slow-down?”

In third place is Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate, led by the ever-industrious Lona Murphy, who primarily runs her show solo. In our eyes, this just makes her that much more impressive! She closed nine sides for June.

As per our normal tradition, there are lots of ties for 4th and 6th Place.

We know it’s been tougher than usual. The fact that you all keep persevering and producing is both an inspiration and a testament to your professionalism and continued commitment to provide the best service to your clients.

Thank you for doing your part to make the new normal. 

Help-U-Sell Metropolitan6915
Help-U-Sell The Smart Choice9514
Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate279
Help-U-Sell 951 Realty257
Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate347
Help-U-Sell Greensboro167
Help-U-Sell Legacy347
Help-U-Sell  Detwiler Realty156
Help-U-Sell Bakersfield Equity Savers145
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties145
Richard Cricchio

Moving on to our Gross Sales Volume report!

We find Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties at the top, closing out sales of $4.5 million for the month of June. Scarcity of space is naturally a part of island living and success of selling homes, but saving clients thousands of dollars in a market that is always high is surely THE enormous selling point. 

In complete synchronicity with the Sides report, Kimber Regan’s team is second place here also. The 14 homes they sold in June resulted in $3.5 million in gross sales. Her “sold and save” postcards next month are going to be staggering!

In third place is Help-U-Sell 951 Realty in Murrieta, California. Owned by Ronnie Lee Thompson, Jr., Ronnie’s team cleared just over $3 million in sales. 

OfficeGross Sales Volume
Help-U-Sell  Honolulu Properties$4,548,688
Help-U-Sell The Smart Choice$3,517,400
Help-U-Sell 951 Realty$3,075,000
Help-U-Sell Legacy$2,843,500
Help-U-Sell Golden Homes$2,808,388
Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate$2,807,100
Help-U-Sell Town & Coastal Properties$2,164,000
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties$2,104,500
Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate$1,925,600