Behind the Scenes of the Buyer Consultant Training Video Shoot

Behind the scenes of the Help-U-Sell Buyer Consultant Training video shoot
Robbie Stevens gives direction to Jack Bailey, left, and Ron McCoy.

Last week, we started putting the finishing touches on our Jack Bailey Buyer Consultant Training Program.

The program will last 10 weeks and consists of a weekly coaching call with Jack Bailey, our resident buyer expert and broker/owner of Help-U-Sell Greensboro; worksheets; homework assignments; and videos, which we filmed at the home office in Sarasota last week. Jack has consistently closed more buyer sides than seller sides for many years running, and he created this program to teach his fellow Help-U-Sell franchisees how to achieve their own buyer-side successes.

The program is for brokers and agents who want to work with buyers as a consultant, not as a salesperson, and want to increase their revenue by working buyer sides. It will teach brokers and agents how to educate buyers on everything from what makes up a mortgage payment to how to reduce debt. Agents and brokers will also learn how to build trust and confidence in buyers.

In addition to introductory videos for each of the 10 sessions, we also filmed a promotional video for the program and a sample short buyer consultation.

Behind the scenes of the Help-U-Sell Real Estate Buyer Consultant Training videos
Jack Bailey, left, and Ron McCoy share a laugh between takes during the filming of Jack's Buyer Consultant Training videos.

It was long hours under hot lights, but our stars, Jack Bailey and Ron McCoy, managed to have some fun, too. Attendees of the Success Summit might get to see some of the bloopers. In the meantime, here is a lighthearted moment between takes.

Watch for information on how to register for the program later this year.

New Video: How Sellers Can Save the Most

At Help-U-Sell Real Estate, we want to help our sellers save the most money. A seller can do this by being an active participant in the sale of his home. It’s easier than you might think. Finding the buyer often simply means telling family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers that your home is on the market. Showing your home can be done on your schedule, and your agent will give you training and guidance. Once you’ve found potential buyers, you turn them over to your agent to handle the heavy lifting: from negotiations to paperwork to closing.

Watch our new video for more details and learn how you can keep more of your equity.

When you’re ready to speak with a Help-U-Sell Real Estate broker, find your local office on our website.

Top Producers for June 2014

Marc Dosik of Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty
Marc Dosik's Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty office closed 11 sides in June.

Our top producers outdid themselves in June! Nine offices closed an average of 12.2 closed sides each.

1) North Carolina’s Help-U-Sell Triad Realty took first place with 22 closed sides: eight buyer sides, 12 seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

2) Also in the Piedmont Triad of North Carolina, Help-U-Sell Greensboro closed five buyer sides, six seller sides and two dual-sided transactions for a total of 15.

3) Help-U-Sell Buy Today, in Charlotte, closed 14 sides made up of four buyer sides, eight seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

3) Tied for third place, Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate out of Eugene, Ore., had two buyer sides, eight seller sides and two dual-sided transactions.

4) Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty, in Carlisle, Penn., closed a lucky 13 sides comprised of four buyer sides, seven seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

5) Located in Chandler, Ariz., Help-U-Sell Central Properties finished the month with 11 closed sides: one buyer side, eight seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

5) In fifth place also, Washington, D.C.’s Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty helped one buyer, six sellers and closed two dual-sided transactions.

6) Help-U-Sell Galleria Realty, in Tucson, closed 10 sides in June. Three were buyer sides, five were seller sides and one was a dual-sided transaction.

6) Rounding out the top producers, Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate also completed 10 sides. The Minnesota-based office closed four buyer sides, four seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

Congratulations to Help-U-Sell Buy Today for for selling a property for more than $1 million and saving their clients thousands of dollars in commissions!

[Figures as of July 8, 2014.]

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