Help-U-Sell Real Estate Live from Hawaii

Help-U-Sell Real Estate selfie
Our Hawaii training attendees wave to the camera during a group selfie!

When we decided to host a training event in Honolulu last fall, we expected about 15 to 20 attendees. But several of our mainland offices couldn’t pass up a chance to learn and go on vacation at the same time, so we are enjoying a great turnout for our learning and networking session and having some fun, too!

Some of our top franchisees and their agents are receiving training on leads management, becoming buyer consultants, and best practices on social media, among other topics. We’re also unveiling our new responsive website and other new technology tools.

Help-U-Sell Real Estate technology tools
Robbie Stevens shows new Help-U-Sell Real Estate tools to the Honolulu training attendees.

We are also having some fun!

Help-U-Sell Real Estate receptionHelp-U-Sell Real Estate reception
Everyone had a blast at our evening reception and got leis courtesy of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties.

You can join us for our next training event by becoming a franchisee. Register for a free informational webinar:

Help-U-Sell Real Estate to Show at Triple Play Expo

Triple Play Real Estate Expo
Visit Help-U-Sell Real Estate at Triple Play. Our booth is #201.

We’ll be exhibiting at the annual Triple Play REALTOR Convention & Trade Expo in Atlantic City, NJ, again this year. The expo, scheduled for Dec. 9 and 10, attracts attendees from New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

Stop by to see us at booth #201. Ron McCoy, our vice president of business development, will be on hand to answer your questions about Help-U-Sell Real Estate’s franchise opportunity. We are growing and are looking to expand our presence in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. You can register for Triple Play online. We also would love to see our area franchisees!

If you cannot attend Triple Play but want more information about us, please visit our Franchise Opportunity Center website.

Help-U-Sell Real Estate to Exhibit at CALIFORNIA REALTOR® EXPO 2014

California Association of REALTORS Expo
Help-U-Sell Real Estate will exhibit at the CALIFORNIA REALTOR® EXPO 2014.

October will be a busy month for Help-U-Sell Real Estate! Before our fourth annual Success Summit in mid-October, we’ll make an appearance at the CALIFORNIA REALTOR® EXPO 2014 in Anaheim.

If you plan to attend the expo, which takes place Oct. 7-9, stop by booth #112 and visit Ron McCoy, our vice president of business development. He would love to see our franchisees and meet brokers who are interested in learning about Help-U-Sell Real Estate.

In addition to the more than 200 exhibitors, there will be 40 sessions on everything from the latest in legal real estate to working with international investors. Members of the California Association of REALTORS can attend all three days for free, but you have to register.

We hope to see you in Anaheim in October!


Behind the Scenes of the Buyer Consultant Training Video Shoot

Behind the scenes of the Help-U-Sell Buyer Consultant Training video shoot
Robbie Stevens gives direction to Jack Bailey, left, and Ron McCoy.

Last week, we started putting the finishing touches on our Jack Bailey Buyer Consultant Training Program.

The program will last 10 weeks and consists of a weekly coaching call with Jack Bailey, our resident buyer expert and broker/owner of Help-U-Sell Greensboro; worksheets; homework assignments; and videos, which we filmed at the home office in Sarasota last week. Jack has consistently closed more buyer sides than seller sides for many years running, and he created this program to teach his fellow Help-U-Sell franchisees how to achieve their own buyer-side successes.

The program is for brokers and agents who want to work with buyers as a consultant, not as a salesperson, and want to increase their revenue by working buyer sides. It will teach brokers and agents how to educate buyers on everything from what makes up a mortgage payment to how to reduce debt. Agents and brokers will also learn how to build trust and confidence in buyers.

In addition to introductory videos for each of the 10 sessions, we also filmed a promotional video for the program and a sample short buyer consultation.

Behind the scenes of the Help-U-Sell Real Estate Buyer Consultant Training videos
Jack Bailey, left, and Ron McCoy share a laugh between takes during the filming of Jack's Buyer Consultant Training videos.

It was long hours under hot lights, but our stars, Jack Bailey and Ron McCoy, managed to have some fun, too. Attendees of the Success Summit might get to see some of the bloopers. In the meantime, here is a lighthearted moment between takes.

Watch for information on how to register for the program later this year.

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Help-U-Sell Family Gatherings

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Training in Southern California
Several Help-U-Sell Real Estate franchisees from Southern California attended a training day in Irvine, Calif., in March.

Last week, Help-U-Sell Real Estate franchisees from Southern California gathered to network and connect in Irvine, Calif. The home office’s Ron McCoy led the group, which included owners of Help-U-Sell Advance Realty, Coast and Valley, Conejo Valley, Distinctive Homes, Flint Realty, Irvine, Riverside Realty, Santa Maria, Sunrise, and Wright Realtors.

One attendee raved about the meeting, saying it was full of “really meaningful content.”

If you missed the gathering, don’t worry. You can join us for our annual Success Summit this fall! Brokers and agents from the entire country will get together for a few days of learning, networking, and enjoying each other’s company.

Last year, we had a phenomenal turnout and, by all accounts, it was worth attending. One Summit-goer wrote about his experience, “Here we can give and receive; we benefit from the experience of others; we establish and renew friendships; we participate in a generosity of spirit evidenced by a desire to help everyone else. You can’t get it from a book. You can’t get it from a webinar. You have to be there.”

This year’s Summit will take place in Las Vegas at Planet Hollywood. The dates are Tues., Oct. 14 through Thurs., Oct. 16. Please mark your calendars and watch for more details, including how to register and how to reserve your hotel room.

We want to see you in Las Vegas this October!

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