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Top Producers for March 2012

Our Winter Warm-up Contest really seems to be paying off in the form of closed sides. Our top producing offices for March 2012 closed a combined total of 52 sides. The competition was fierce, too. Quite a few offices just missed the list with eight and seven sides. Great job, everyone!

1) Help-U-Sell Select Services, in Fort Myers, Fla., closed an impressive 14 sides.

2) California’s Help-U-Sell Santa Maria finished second with 11 closed sides.

3) Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty, out of Carlisle, Penn., is part of a three-way tie for third with nine closed sides.

3) Help-U-Sell  Honolulu Properties closed seven seller sides and two buyer sides.

3) Last but not least, Help-U-Sell Keystone Realty in Chambersburg, Penn., also closed nine sides in March.

This is just the start of the spring selling season. We can’t wait to see what you all turn in for April!

[Figures as of April 3, 2012.]

Winter Warm-Up Results Are In!

The results are in for our Winter Warm-Up Contest! During the contest, which started Nov. 1 and ended Feb. 29, Help-U-Sell offices earned points for each new listing, each closed buyer side and each closed seller side.

The top three offices in total points have earned admin fees and Help-U-Sell shirts. The top point-getter in each of the three categories (new listings, closed buyer sides and closed seller sides) also have won prizes. Note: Offices that won in the total-points category were not eligible to win in the individual categories, and no one could win in more than one category. For more information about the points and the prizes, read the initial Connect post about the contest.

Without further ado, here are your winners!

Total Points

1) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties 392 points

2) Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty 234 points

3) Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate 206 points

New Listing Points

Winner: Help-U-Sell Quad Cities Realty 160 points

Buyer Side Points

Winner (tie):  Help-U-Sell Galleria Realty 45 points

Winner (tie): Help-U-Sell Real Estate Specialists 45 points

Seller Side Points

Winner: Help-U-Sell Select Services 64 points

We are proud of all of our participants. You all really stepped up your efforts, and in a year-over-year comparison, Help-U-Sell offices produced 15% more listings and closings in the November 2011-February 2012 period than in the November 2010-February 2011 period.

Top Producers for January 2012

Congratulations to our first top-producing offices of the year!

1) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties finished January with 12 closed sides.

2) Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate, in Waynesboro, Va., takes the #2 spot with seven closed sides.

3) Charlotte’s Help-U-Sell Buy Today is tied for third place with six sides.

3) Help-U-Sell Galleria Realty, out of Tucson, also logged six closed sides.

With the South and the West represented, this is a sign of great things to come in 2012.

[Figures as of Feb. 1, 2012.]

Winter Warm-Up Contest Update

We have just six weeks left in our Winter Warm-Up Contest!

During the contest, which started Nov. 1, Help-U-Sell offices earn points for each new listing, each closed buyer side and each closed seller side. The top three offices in total points at the end of the contest win prizes in the form of admin fees, Help-U-Sell shirts and, of course, bragging rights. The top point-getter in each of the three categories (new listings, closed buyer sides and closed seller sides) will also win prizes. Note: Offices that won in the total-points category are not eligible to win in the categories. For more details, see our previous Connect post.

Because no one can win in more than one category, these would be our winners if the contest had ended Jan. 15:

Total Points:

1. Honolulu Properties

2. Heritage Real Estate

3. Detwiler Realty

New Listings:

Galleria Realty

Buyer Sides:

Select Real Estate

Seller Sides:

Select Services

But there’s still time to make your move up the leaderboards! Our standings as of Jan. 15 are as follows. We have listed the top five in each category to give a better idea of the big picture. [Note: There are a few ties.]

Total Points

  1. Honolulu Properties      251 points
  2. Heritage Real Estate       189
  3. Detwiler Realty                 139
  4. Galleria Realty                  126
  5. Select Real Estate            108

New Listings

  1. Honolulu Properties      225 points
  2. Heritage Real Estate       150
  3. Galleria Realty                  95
  4. Detwiler Realty                 90
  5. Quad Cities Realty           85

Closed Buyer Sides

  1. Select Real Estate            39 points
  2. Real Estate Specialists   30 (tied for 2nd)
  3. Triad Realty                       30 (tied for 2nd)
  4. Heritage Real Estate       21 (tied for 3rd)
  5. Galleria Realty                  21 (tied for 3rd)
  6. Detwiler Realty                 21 (tied for 3rd)
  7. Federal City Realty         18
  8. Edmond/OKC                    15 (tied for 5th)
  9. Distinctive Homes           15 (tied for 5th)
  10. Sims Realty                         15 (tied for 5th)

Closed Seller Sides

  1. Select Services                 46 points
  2. Honolulu Properties      26
  3. Central Properties          24
  4. Real Estate Specialists  18 (tied for 4th)
  5. Heritage Real Estate      18 (tied for 4th)
  6. Detwiler Realty                18 (tied for 4th)
  7. Select Real Estate            14

Good luck to everyone and keep up the great work! Remember, the contest ends on Feb. 29, and winners will officially be announced on March 7.

Broker Focus: Richard Cricchio

Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties
Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties

A Help-U-Sell Real Estate broker/owner since 1999, Richard Cricchio practically pioneered the set-fee concept in his home state of Hawaii.

When he first opened his office, Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties, he had to educate the public on the set-fee concept. “People never wanted to pay a percentage but when offered an alternative, they thought something was wrong,” he said.

That’s something Cricchio can relate to. He visited several Help-U-Sell offices during a four-year period before deciding to purchase an office of his own. “I couldn’t believe it could work,” he said. “It’s a different mindset to understand how you could profit by not collecting a percentage.” After looking at the offices’ different business models, Cricchio said a light bulb went off.

His office’s business model capitalizes on Help-U-Sell’s set-fee concept. Because of the copycat brokerages that have popped up on the island of Oahu in recent years, Honolulu Properties doesn’t charge extra for anything. “Our fee is our fee. That has helped us stay competitive,” Cricchio said.

They have also worked to keep their name top of mind on the island, which Cricchio describes as “one big neighborhood.” He runs TV ads, does strategic print advertising and distributes mailouts, but it’s probably his weekly radio show that gets the most attention. Cricchio began doing the talk show in 2002 at the suggestion of the station’s morning show host, whom he met after sponsoring an event the station held. The show has proven so popular that listeners rallied to get it back on the air when Clear Channel ceased local programming. Cricchio said the show covers real estate trends and news and answers listeners’ questions. He keeps the attitude light and doesn’t always pitch Help-U-Sell during the show.

Cricchio’s goal for 2012 is to complete 300 transactions. “I think the market’s ready now,” he said. His office closed 91 transactions in 2011, as of Dec. 29.

He plans to drum up more business by increasing his appearances at home shows and hosting more buyer and seller seminars.For new brokers, Cricchio encourages optimism and a strategy. “You have to believe in the system,” he said. “You can’t get caught up in the day-to-day stuff. Make a plan and really stick to it. It’s still the best business you can be in.”