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Spring Marketing Postcards Co-Op

Help-U-Sell Real Estate's new marketing postcard
Help-U-Sell Real Estate has two new marketing postcard designs for spring. Both are geared toward sellers.

Spring brings fresh flowers and new EDDM (every door direct mail) postcards. Excel Printing & Mailing has set up a co-op for Help-U-Sell Real Estate franchisees to enable a lower cost per piece. The postcards, with postage and shipping, are only $0.28 each.

Mark your calendars! The co-op starts on Mon., Apr. 7, and ends Mon., Apr. 21. We have designed two new seller-targeted postcards. One is based on the “8 Questions Every Home Owner Should Ask Their Agent” flyer. You can customize the eight questions and localize the contact information. The other new design (pictured) promotes Market Sketch, our tool that offers real-time data on the local real estate market. A QR code will direct recipients to a page like this one. If you would like to send out the Market Sketch postcard and do not have a page set up, contact the home office so that we can create the page on your site.

Once you’ve logged into Excel’s site, you will click on Office Co-Op to see the designs, customize them and place your order. You can still order the two designs from earlier this year.

Be sure to order enough postcards for the next three months. The next co-op for EDDMs will start on July 7, 2014.

Help-U-Sell Family Gatherings

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Training in Southern California
Several Help-U-Sell Real Estate franchisees from Southern California attended a training day in Irvine, Calif., in March.

Last week, Help-U-Sell Real Estate franchisees from Southern California gathered to network and connect in Irvine, Calif. The home office’s Ron McCoy led the group, which included owners of Help-U-Sell Advance Realty, Coast and Valley, Conejo Valley, Distinctive Homes, Flint Realty, Irvine, Riverside Realty, Santa Maria, Sunrise, and Wright Realtors.

One attendee raved about the meeting, saying it was full of “really meaningful content.”

If you missed the gathering, don’t worry. You can join us for our annual Success Summit this fall! Brokers and agents from the entire country will get together for a few days of learning, networking, and enjoying each other’s company.

Last year, we had a phenomenal turnout and, by all accounts, it was worth attending. One Summit-goer wrote about his experience, “Here we can give and receive; we benefit from the experience of others; we establish and renew friendships; we participate in a generosity of spirit evidenced by a desire to help everyone else. You can’t get it from a book. You can’t get it from a webinar. You have to be there.”

This year’s Summit will take place in Las Vegas at Planet Hollywood. The dates are Tues., Oct. 14 through Thurs., Oct. 16. Please mark your calendars and watch for more details, including how to register and how to reserve your hotel room.

We want to see you in Las Vegas this October!

Top Producers for February 2014

Cynthia Stevens of Help-U-Sell Central Properties in Arizona
Cynthia Stevens' Help-U-Sell Central Properties office closed eight sides in February to tie for third place.

Our top-selling offices for February kept the momentum going from January. Who says this is the slow season?

1) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties finished first with a lucky 13 closed sides: three buyer sides and 10 seller sides.

2) Virginia’s Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate came in second place for the second month in a row. The office’s 10 closed sides were composed of one buyer side, seven seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

3) In a three-way tie for third, Help-U-Sell Buy Today, based in Charlotte, closed a very symmetrical eight sides: three buyer sides, three seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

3) Help-U-Sell Central Properties, out of Chandler, Ariz., completed two buyer sides and six seller sides.

3) Also in Arizona, Help-U-Sell Galleria Realty closed three buyer sides and five seller sides.

Great job, everyone!

[Figures as of March 11, 2014.]

Video: Why Percentage-Based Commissions Don’t Make Sense

At Help-U-Sell Real Estate, we believe there’s a more fair way to charge our clients when we sell their homes than the traditional percentage-based commission. To explain our system and the way many traditional brokerages work when it comes to commission structure, we’ve created an informative video.

Watch this video:

    * if you want to know how your commission gets distributed when you sell your house.
    * if you want to learn about a real estate business model that’s still full-service but can save you thousands of dollars.
    * if you’re a broker or an agent in search of a better way to work with clients and differentiate yourself.
Why Percentage Commissions Don't Make Sense
Help-U-Sell Real Estate's video explains why percentage commissions don't make sense for sellers or for real estate professionals.

See how much our franchise offices have saved sellers and how our system works on our website.

New Widget to Display Key Performance Indicators

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Key Performance Indicator Widget
The new widget displays an office's sold and saved information and key performance indicators.

Help-U-Sell Real Estate brokers can show off their offices’ achievements, including how much they saved their seller clients, with a new widget. The widget displays as a table and can also contain data on other key performance indicators, such as total number of listings sold, days on market, and percentage of listings sold by MLS agents and sold in-house.

The widget will show the closing date, address, sale prices, days on market, and seller savings for each property an office sold. The data are pulled from the reported transactions in the Office Management System dating back to 2009. Offices can manually enter transactions that took place prior to that year. All data fields are optional, so offices can select to display the ones that most effectively reflect the offices’ success and abilities.

Because it is a widget, it automatically updates and it can be placed on any web page that an office can access from the back-end. So, a broker can embed the code on his blog, a third-party website, or on any page on his Help-U-Sell site.

Sold and Saved Widget in the Help-U-Sell Real Estate OMS
Brokers can customize the sold and saved widget in Help-U-Sell Real Estate's Office Management System.

Brokers can access the new widget in OMS by clicking Website Widgets on the “Setup” tab. On the Website Widgets page, select Sold and Save Widget from the drop-down menu. All customization, from resizing to choosing what is displayed, happens here. Once everything is set up the way you want it, copy the code in the box and place it on the page where you want the widget to appear.