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Coaching: A Path to Success

Jack Bailey, Help-U-Sell Greensboro
Jack Bailey serves as a coach for Help-U-Sell Real Estate offices.

Coaching isn’t just for professional athletes. Real estate agents and brokers also benefit from the guidance and support of a coach. More than half of respondents to a 2014 survey by Inman said their business increased by at least 25 percent during the first year of working with a coach.

Of course, it can be pricey. Personal coaching costs most of the Inman respondents between $300 and $749 per month. Did you know that Help-U-Sell Real Estate offers small group coaching to our franchisees for no fee? Groups are limited to a small number of members, and they’re segmented based on the goals of the participants.

Coaching group members have weekly assignments such as creating a marketing budget and tracking their leads. They also learn from each other during open discussions.

In 2015, our brokers who participated in an internal coaching program saw an average revenue increase of 41.4 percent over 2014.

John Powell, one of Help-U-Sell Real Estate’s coaches, attributes this improvement to the change in point of view a coach is able to provide to a broker.

“A coach can stand outside of the business and view it with a different perspective than the broker who’s involved in the day-to-day operation,” said Powell. “The great thing about our program is, there’s no charge to our franchisees. It’s just a time investment.”

Participants see positive results from the guidance they receive.

“I think our business has benefited considerably,” said Eric Stalter, broker-owner of Help-U-Sell East Valley. “By setting goals on paper and tracking my leads and conversions, I am able to follow my business growth and actually see where I need change and improvement.”

If you’re interested in being coached, contact the corporate office. Jack Bailey of broker-owner of Help-U-Sell Greensboro, and the corporate office’s Powell and James Dingman all have openings in their weekly groups. Not yet one of our franchisees? Visit to learn how to become one.

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Hires Veteran Franchisee as Chief Development Officer

John Powell joins Help-U-Sell Real Estate
John Powell has joined Help-U-Sell Real Estate’s corporate staff as its Chief Development Officer.

We want to officially announce that John Powell has joined the Help-U-Sell Real Estate corporate staff! As many of you know, John is a veteran franchisee. He has also presented at our Success Summits and coaches other franchisees. He served as a regional director, as well, so he is very familiar with our system from all aspects.

Now, he is our Chief Development Officer.

While he spread the company’s message in the Tucson area as broker-owner of Help-U-Sell Galleria, his new position affords him the chance to do this on a larger scale.

“I joined the corporate team to help as many brokers as possible enjoy the success that I have experienced with Help-U-Sell Real Estate,” John says.

“My role has two primary objectives: one is coaching existing offices to increase their production and profitability by focusing on marketing, adding good people to their staff, training those people, and setting up systems to make the office run smoothly and efficiently,” he says. “The second role is to help build franchise sales to bring more brokers in to the Help-U-Sell Real Estate family and grow the franchise.”

The corporate staff is excited to have John officially on board.

“John brings decades of real estate and regional development experience, on top of being a Help-U-Sell Real Estate family member for nearly 30 years,” says Robert Stevens, our Chief Operations Officer. “He will be driving network growth and development to help us reach our goals for 2016-17 and beyond.”

If you are a current broker who is interested in joining a coaching group, please get in touch. If you are not yet one of our franchisees but would like to learn about becoming one, please visit

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Live from Hawaii

Help-U-Sell Real Estate selfie
Our Hawaii training attendees wave to the camera during a group selfie!

When we decided to host a training event in Honolulu last fall, we expected about 15 to 20 attendees. But several of our mainland offices couldn’t pass up a chance to learn and go on vacation at the same time, so we are enjoying a great turnout for our learning and networking session and having some fun, too!

Some of our top franchisees and their agents are receiving training on leads management, becoming buyer consultants, and best practices on social media, among other topics. We’re also unveiling our new responsive website and other new technology tools.

Help-U-Sell Real Estate technology tools
Robbie Stevens shows new Help-U-Sell Real Estate tools to the Honolulu training attendees.

We are also having some fun!

Help-U-Sell Real Estate receptionHelp-U-Sell Real Estate reception
Everyone had a blast at our evening reception and got leis courtesy of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties.

You can join us for our next training event by becoming a franchisee. Register for a free informational webinar:

Live from Help-U-Sell Success Summit 2014

We’re in the middle of the fourth annual Help-U-Sell Success Summit in Las Vegas.

So far, we’ve learned about public relations, time management, Google AdWords, effective use of videos in real estate marketing, social media, and our proprietary technology tools.

Help-U-Sell Success Summit 2014Help-U-Sell Success Summit 2014
Robbie Stevens informs us about video marketing during the annual Success Summit.

We’ve also had some fun mingling with each other and sharing knowledge and tips during roundtable discussions and at our opening reception.

Help-U-Sell Success Summit 2014
Lona Murphy, Tiffany Guerin and Debbie Desmond at the opening reception

There’s still more to come, including unveilings of a new partnership and new marketing programs and technology tools. We’ll also hear from some of our top offices during a panel discussion.

If you’re on Twitter, use the hashtag #HUSSummit14 to tweet from the Summit and to follow the action!

Our Help-U-Sell brokers and agents who could not attend will be able to download the presentations from our Office Management System next week.

Behind the Scenes of the Buyer Consultant Training Video Shoot

Behind the scenes of the Help-U-Sell Buyer Consultant Training video shoot
Robbie Stevens gives direction to Jack Bailey, left, and Ron McCoy.

Last week, we started putting the finishing touches on our Jack Bailey Buyer Consultant Training Program.

The program will last 10 weeks and consists of a weekly coaching call with Jack Bailey, our resident buyer expert and broker/owner of Help-U-Sell Greensboro; worksheets; homework assignments; and videos, which we filmed at the home office in Sarasota last week. Jack has consistently closed more buyer sides than seller sides for many years running, and he created this program to teach his fellow Help-U-Sell franchisees how to achieve their own buyer-side successes.

The program is for brokers and agents who want to work with buyers as a consultant, not as a salesperson, and want to increase their revenue by working buyer sides. It will teach brokers and agents how to educate buyers on everything from what makes up a mortgage payment to how to reduce debt. Agents and brokers will also learn how to build trust and confidence in buyers.

In addition to introductory videos for each of the 10 sessions, we also filmed a promotional video for the program and a sample short buyer consultation.

Behind the scenes of the Help-U-Sell Real Estate Buyer Consultant Training videos
Jack Bailey, left, and Ron McCoy share a laugh between takes during the filming of Jack's Buyer Consultant Training videos.

It was long hours under hot lights, but our stars, Jack Bailey and Ron McCoy, managed to have some fun, too. Attendees of the Success Summit might get to see some of the bloopers. In the meantime, here is a lighthearted moment between takes.

Watch for information on how to register for the program later this year.