February Top Producers 2021

February went by quickly didn’t it? Seems like life is speeding up a bit as more folks get  vaccinated against the covid-19 virus. Ultimately with a little patience and graciousness, we’re walking into the new chapter of life more hopeful than we did at this time last year. That’s good!  Our Top Producers are still grappling with a shortage of properties to list and sell, but the upside is: houses continue to sell blazing fast. By continuing to make earnest efforts, our best continue to work hard and show up here.

Jack Bailey

Case in point: Jack Bailey Help-U-Sell Greensboro in North Carolina. His team’s efforts nabbed the top spot with 16 total sides, with 10 of those coming from sellers. In a short month like February, four a week is great in our book.

Mario Ferrante of Help-U-Sell Metropolitan in Woodhaven, Michigan, takes second place with eight total sides. Life has such balance, both the sellers and buyers were perfectly equal.

Third place is a 3-way tie between Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties in Hawaii, Patrick Wood of Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties in Chino Hills, California, and Jeff Hedberg with Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters in Port Huron, Michigan. All three of these gentlemen and their teams are regular faces in our top  producers list, and each have closed February with seven sides for the month.

Fourth place is a tie between Mike Bowling at Help-U-Sell Mike Bowling in Yuma, Arizona, and Lona Lassen Murphy at Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate in Eugene, Oregon, both with 5 sides each.

Of course, fifth place is tied up with four ties too. No complaints! We march towards March!

OfficeBuyerSellerTotal Sides
Help-U-Sell Greensboro61016
Help-U-Sell Metropolitan448
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties257
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties167
Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters257
Help-U-Sell  Mike Bowling235
Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate55
Help-U-Sell  Direct Homes134
Help-U-Sell  Heritage Real Estate 134
Help-U-Sell Keystone Realty44
Help-U-Sell Peoples Real Estate314

On to our Gross Sales Volume report, once again we find Patrick Wood at Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties taking the top spot with $5.8 million in sales for the month of February. What else can we say? Patrick is always crushing this metric.

Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties

Naturally, the primary competitor and often alternate first place Top Producer is of course  Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties in Hawaii. Richard’s team completed the month with $5.2 million in sales.

Jack Bailey

Our number one gentleman from the Sides Report, Jack Bailey, of Help-U-Sell Greensboro in North Carolina, secures third place with the help of his trusty team and a total sales volume of $3.4 million dollars.

Thank you to everyone for continuing to shine and do what it is that you do best. 

OfficeGross Sales Volume
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties$5,865,000
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties$5,234,500
Help-U-Sell Greensboro$3,415,800
Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate$2,058,980
Help-U-Sell Alpha Paladins Realty$1,730,000
Help-U-Sell Wright $1,721,000
Help-U-Sell Central Properties$1,457,500
Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters$1,242,799
Help-U-Sell Vantage Realty$1,230,000
Help-U-Sell Metropolitan$1,178,900

2020 Top Producers Year End Report

When you study enough Top Producer reports over the course of a year, you are reasonably confident exactly who will end up at the top of this list. The surprise comes in when the thing that inexplicably delights you the most – TIES – happens at the very top of our final Top Producer list for 2020.

Without further ado, we present: Jack Bailey and Mario Ferrante with 129 sides for the year. Legally, we can’t have a top three without these two (We’re kidding, of course).

Jack Bailey and his team at Help-U-Sell Greensboro, located in North Carolina, is our example of a well-oiled machine, fine tuned to perfection only when adjustments are needed. His process is so well rehearsed, not only do things turn out how he planned, Jack helps other owners achieve great results, too. 

Mario Ferrante of Help-U-Sell Metropolitan in Woodhaven, Michigan, makes things perfectly even with 129 sides for the year also. In 2019, Mario and Jack were neck and neck all year long with Mario’s team pushing ahead in the final moments and 2020 looked very similar throughout. Somewhere between these two gentlemen is likely the secret to all residential real estate.

Debra Schmidt of Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate in Owatonna, Minnesota, almost made first place a three-way tie, but comes in second place with a still tremendous 126 sides.  Debra and her team appear regularly in our top ten. What comes to mind when thinking about her is: consistency has its rewards and benefits. 

Third place is one more tie between Jeff Hedberg of Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters in Port Huron, Michigan, and Patrick Wood of Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties in Chino Hills, California. Both of these gentlemen and their respective teams have cleared 115 sides for the 2020 year.

Because celebration is completely discretionary but highly encouraged, the numbers on this list “go all the way to 12” on this particular occasion (with apologies to Spinal Tap). With folks like Matt Kellam of Help-U-Sell Keystone Realty, closing 64 sides in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and Danny Kettle of Help-U-Sell Legacy with 61 sides in Layton, Utah, it is worth noting that any franchise office that is closing more than one house per week during a tumultuous time filled with uncertainty is worth making joyful noise over. 

Cheers to absolutely every single Help-U-Sell Real Estate franchise office in 2020 who worked hard and kept the doors open.

OfficeBuyerSellerTotal Sides
Help-U-Sell Greensboro4881129
Help-U-Sell Metropolitan4485129
Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate5175126
Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters3580115
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties1996115
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties226486
Help-U-Sell The Smart Choice414283
Help-U-Sell Mike Bowling374683
Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty374077
Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate264369
Help-U-Sell Keystone Realty234164
Help-U-Sell Legacy283361

Naturally, on our Gross Sales Volume report, we find Patrick Wood in the number one spot. For 2020’s final report, Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties handled $74.2 million in gross sales. Their hard work means they are one of our very familiar faces, and one we’re always happy to see. 

Richard Cricchio

First and second place on the Gross Sales Volume report is usually an alternating contest between Patrick Wood and Richard Criccio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties in Hawaii.  Richard’s team brought in $63.9 million for 2020. We’re thinking a Ti Leaf lei to celebrate prosperity would be an appropriate choice to show admiration. 

Jack Bailey

Jack Bailey and his team at Help-U-Sell Greensboro, North Carolina take third place here with $26.1 million.

In a time when it was easy to be disheartened by bizarre circumstances coloring our lives, affecting our businesses, separating us from people that we care about, impacting the businesses we patronize like restaurants and grocery stores, no one would be blamed for forgetting that it was still incumbent upon us to make things happen for clients. Even if it felt like everything was standing still at times, life was still moving forward. Differently, but forward. These reports proved you would not be hindered.

OfficeGross Sales Volume 
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties$  74,276,061
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties$  63,962,738
Help-U-Sell Greensboro$  26,118,222
Help-U-Sell Golden Homes$  24,170,888
Help-U-Sell Legacy$  20,304,570
Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate$  19,867,218
Help-U-Sell The Smart Choice$  19,733,600
Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters$  19,324,600
Help-U-Sell 951 Realty$  16,361,998
Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty$  16,269,980
Help-U-Sell Metropolitan$  16,027,558

Top Producers Q4 2020

The final quarter of 2020 was incredibly turbulent for many industries, but for real estate, several owners in the Help-U-Sell family could not keep houses listed for more than a few days.

People were looking to escape smaller city dwellings. They yearned to stretch out, and were taking off for bigger homes, smaller crowds, and much wider open spaces. That mad flurry of activity is best illustrated by our top two producers in the fourth quarter, both of whom run offices in more spacious states. First place is a tie, of course. 

Jack Bailey of Help-U-Sell Greensboro in North Carolina, and Jeffrey Hedberg of Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters in Port Huron, Michigan, both total 41 sides. It is worth noting, both gentlemen have an active approach when it comes to training agents. They are constantly evolving best practices over time and making adjustments, curating the betterment and abilities of agents on their team to better serve future clients. It is worth paying attention to what they do and how they do it.

Second-place finds us with another tie. Debra Schmidt of Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate in Owatonna, Minnesota, and Patrick Wood of Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties in Chino Hills, California. Both offices narrowly missed first place with total 38 sides for Q4.  It’s really cool to see so much momentum. 

The singular (no tie) honor for third place goes to Mario Ferrante at Help-U-Sell Metropolitan in Woodhaven, Michigan. Mario has been a staple on our Top Producers list for so long, it’s more surprising when he’s not on it. For the last quarter, his team closed 34 sides. 

OfficeBuyerSellerTotal Sides
Help-U-Sell Greensboro182341
Help-U-Sell  Real Estate Masters103141
Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate152338
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties43438
Help-U-Sell Metropolitan102434
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties71724
Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty12921
Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate81018
Help-U-Sell Bakersfield Equity Savers61117
Help-U-Sell Legacy8816
Help-U-Sell  Mike Bowling61016

On the Gross Sales Volume report, Patrick Wood from Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties in Chino Hills, California, once again takes our number one spot with $27.7 million in sales. 

Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties in Honolulu, Hawaii clinches second place for the fourth quarter. His team’s efforts created $20.1 million in gross sales and likely many “maholos” from clients who saved several thousand dollars in commissions.

Jack Bailey

In third place is our favorite coach in North Carolina: Jack Bailey of Help-U-Sell Greensboro. The 41 sides his team garnered for the quarter resulted in a gross sales volume of $8.5 million.

When life got quiet in the middle of a pandemic-ridden March last year, many of us held our breath and just continued to do what we know how to do best. Seasoned brokers and agents have witnessed many downward spirals in real estate, as well as benefited from riding the coattails of robust and thriving markets. Being able to adjust to the changing circumstances, continuing to work hard and show up (even virtually) for clients, and still prosper is the difference between people who love real estate, and people who went into it as a side gig or hobby. You all are real estate professionals. You love this business. It shows.

OfficeGross Sales Volume 
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties$           27,783,041
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties$           20,106,500
Help-U-Sell Greensboro$             8,570,830
Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters$             7,782,300
Help-U-Sell Wright $             7,129,250
Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate$             6,632,000
Help-U-Sell Golden Homes$             5,489,500
Help-U-Sell Legacy$             5,443,745
Help-U-Sell Metropolitan$             4,910,902
Help-U-Sell South Santa Clara County$             4,887,400
Help-U-Sell Bakersfield Equity Savers$             4,863,500

December 2020 Top Producers

December is traditionally a busy month for everyone for dozens of non-real estate reasons, but our Eagles were making one final push for a phenomenal ending to an otherwise odd and worrisome 2020. Despite obstacles, they made the last Top Producers list of the year noteworthy.

Patrick Wood of Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties in Chino Hills, California enjoys a perpetual residence amongst our top offices. He comes in first place with 19 total sides. 17 of those sides were from sellers, and coupled with one of the busiest markets in the country, it’s no surprise seeing home sellers take advantage of the hot selling season.  

Jack Bailey and his team at Help-U-Sell Greensboro take second place for December with 12 sides. North Carolina home sellers were also eager to pocket equity in the process of selling, and no one makes saving clients money look easier and more polished than Jack.

Third place is a three-way tie! Our favorite! Mike Bowling of Help-U-Sell Mike Bowling in Yuma, Arizona,  Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties in Honolulu, Hawaii, and Kimberly Zelena of Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate in Waynesboro, Virginia, each closed 10 sides a piece. 

4th Place is another tie with nine sides each for Jeff Hedberg of Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters in Port Huron, Michigan, and Debra Schmidt of Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate in Owatonna, Minnesota.

All in all, an impressive turnout during a time of both continued uncertainty and bundled together with the holiday season. No problem for our Help-U-Sell family!

OfficeBuyerSellerTotal Sides
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties21719
Help-U-Sell Greensboro5712
Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate5510
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties3710
Help-U-Sell Mike Bowling5510
Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate549
Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters369
Help-U-Sell Bakersfield Equity Savers257
Help-U-Sell Keystone Realty437
Help-U-Sell Real Estate Specialists426

On to our Gross Sales Volume Report!

Patrick Wood seals top place again – by many long miles – with the help of his team at Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties in Chino Hills, California. With a gross sales volume of $15.4 million – just for December, mind you – they are cranking out first rate success. 

Second place brings the spirit of aloha with Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties in Honolulu, Hawaii. The efforts of Richard and his team for just the months totaled $10 million. 

Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate's Debra Schmidt

Debra Schmidt of Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate ascends to third place with $2.5 million for the month and making December count with a place on both reports.

Thanks for making 2020 one to remember for good reasons!

Office Gross Sales Volume 
Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties $      15,411,155
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties $      10,096,500
Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate $        2,540,600
Help-U-Sell South Santa Clara County $        2,473,500
Help-U-Sell Bakersfield Equity Savers $        2,408,000
Help-U-Sell Greensboro $        2,262,450
Help-U-Sell Julian Team $        1,951,400
Help-U-Sell Legacy $        1,892,000
Help-U-Sell Beachside $        1,870,000
Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters $        1,627,200
Help-U-Sell Golden Homes $        1,589,000
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October 2020 Top Producers

October is always a month of transitions. The last few sparks of summer roar through the early weeks of the month, while the spikes of winter lurk closely behind, with the gorgeous leaves of change gracefully marking middle. One thing stayed consistent throughout: our Help-U-Sell Broker/Owners blazed a trail and continued to demonstrate that 2020 wasn’t going to stop them from selling and buying homes for all of our valued clients.

Coming in first for the first time this year: one of our men in Michigan! Jeff Hedberg of Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters in Port Huron and his team closed 18 sides in October alone. Our guess is he makes the top ten for 2020, too!

In second place is Debra Schmidt. Her team at Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate of Steele County closed with 15 houses being bought and sold in a single month – all in Owatonna, MN. This works out to 4.1 sides a week. Very well done. 

Our other man in Michigan secures third place. Mario Ferrante of Help-U-Sell Metropolitan in Woodhaven, MI, stakes out 14 sides with his team. Since Mario is a near-constant top producer, we’d love to have him be a future broker profile subject.

In seventh through eleventh place, a sea of ties all with seven total. That seems lucky!

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters31518
Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate 6915
Help-U-Sell Metropolitan21214
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties3912
Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty6511
Help-U-Sell  Greensboro4610
Help-U-Sell Bakersfield Equity Savers347
Help-U-Sell Legacy437
Help-U-Sell Options Unlimited257
Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate437
Richard Cricchio

The Gross Sales Volume report shows a staggering $7 million in sales for Richard Criccio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties. The top spot here is often where we can find him and his team, and October just re-confirms what we know about the Honolulu market: always hot!

Having shown up first on our sides report, it makes sense to see Jeff Hedberg of Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters in Port Huron on the GSV report. $3.5 million in sales divided by 18 sides works out to an average $196,000 per side. In other words: crushing it.

Third place was won by a margin of just $31,960! Lona Murphy at Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate in Eugene, OR has been showing us that small office model works just fine. She is the very definition of a mover and a shaker and is a showstopper.

For the first time, the Gross Sales Volume report goes “up to eleven” (for you Spinal Tap fans). It seemed pertinent to include every office that nailed down over $2 million in sales for October alone.

Keep on shining through the holiday season. Your determination continues to be an inspiration.

OfficeGross Sales Volume
Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties$     7,900,000
Help-U-Sell Real Estate Masters$     3,531,200
Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate$     2,456,750
Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty$     2,424,790
Help-U-Sell South Santa Clara County$     2,413,900
Heritage Real Estate $     2,199,100
Help-U-Sell Legacy$     2,114,099
Help-U-Sell Greensboro$     2,087,400
Help-U-Sell Wright $     2,086,000
Help-U-Sell Golden Homes$     2,070,500
Help-U-Sell Grein Group$     2,018,000
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