Top Producers for December 2015

Tracy Jacobs, Broker/Owner of Help-U-Sell Quad Cities Realty
Tracy Jacobs, Broker/Owner of Help-U-Sell Quad Cities Realty, and her team closed 13 sides in December.

Our top offices for December ended the year with a bang! They averaged 12 closed sides each as the calendar dwindled to one page.

1) Help-U-Sell Triad Realty wrapped up the month with 15 closed sides: five buyer sides, four seller sides, and three dual-sided transactions.

2) Alabama’s Help-U-Sell Quad Cities Realty scored a lucky 13 closed sides with two buyer sides, seven seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

3) In a tie for third place, Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty, out of Washington, D.C., closed 12 sides, consisting of six buyer sides, four seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

3) Oregon-based Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate completed three buyer sides, four seller sides, and and two dual-sided transactions for a total of a dozen closed sides.

4) Help-U-Sell Buy Today, in Charlotte, helped seven buyers and four sellers to finish December with 11 closed sides.

4) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties also had 11 closed sides, made up of one buyer side and 10 seller sides. Two of those sales were for properties worth more than $1 million. The sellers saved tens of thousands of dollars in commission.

5) Rounding out the list, Help-U-Sell Metropolitan‘s 10 closed sides were six buyer sides and four seller sides.

Congratulations to everyone! We look forward to seeing what you accomplish in 2016!

[Figures as of January 12, 2016]

Top Producers for June 2015

Danny Kettle, Help-U-Sell Legacy
Broker/owner Danny Kettle's office, Help-U-Sell Legacy in Utah, closed 12 sides in June.

Our offices jumped into summer with a splash! The top producers, from Virginia to Utah to Hawaii, averaged almost 13 closed sides each.

1) Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate closed 17 sides: seven buyer sides, eight seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

2) In a four-way tie, Charlotte’s Help-U-Sell Buy Today had 14 closed sides consisting of six buyer sides and eight seller sides.

2) Help-U-Sell Hometown Realty in York, Penn., completed two buyer sides, eight seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

2) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties’ 14 sides were three buyers and 11 sellers.

2) Help-U-Sell Triad Realty, out of Greensboro, N.C., finished June with five buyer sides and nine seller sides.

3) Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties had a lucky 13 closed sides: one buyer side and 12 seller sides.

4) Utah-based Help-U-Sell Legacy rounded out the month with two buyer sides, eight seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction for a total of 12 sides.

5) Washington, D.C.’s Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty completed 11 sides made up of four buyer sides, five seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

6) Located in Union Grove, Wisc., Help-U-Sell Jeff Braun Realty had 10 closed sides: three buyers, three sellers, and two dual-sided transactions.

6) Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate in Eugene, Ore., also closed 10 sides, all sellers.

Congratulations to all of our top offices!

[Figures as of July 7, 2015]

Top Producers for June 2014

Marc Dosik of Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty
Marc Dosik's Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty office closed 11 sides in June.

Our top producers outdid themselves in June! Nine offices closed an average of 12.2 closed sides each.

1) North Carolina’s Help-U-Sell Triad Realty took first place with 22 closed sides: eight buyer sides, 12 seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

2) Also in the Piedmont Triad of North Carolina, Help-U-Sell Greensboro closed five buyer sides, six seller sides and two dual-sided transactions for a total of 15.

3) Help-U-Sell Buy Today, in Charlotte, closed 14 sides made up of four buyer sides, eight seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

3) Tied for third place, Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate out of Eugene, Ore., had two buyer sides, eight seller sides and two dual-sided transactions.

4) Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty, in Carlisle, Penn., closed a lucky 13 sides comprised of four buyer sides, seven seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

5) Located in Chandler, Ariz., Help-U-Sell Central Properties finished the month with 11 closed sides: one buyer side, eight seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

5) In fifth place also, Washington, D.C.’s Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty helped one buyer, six sellers and closed two dual-sided transactions.

6) Help-U-Sell Galleria Realty, in Tucson, closed 10 sides in June. Three were buyer sides, five were seller sides and one was a dual-sided transaction.

6) Rounding out the top producers, Help-U-Sell Heritage Real Estate also completed 10 sides. The Minnesota-based office closed four buyer sides, four seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

Congratulations to Help-U-Sell Buy Today for for selling a property for more than $1 million and saving their clients thousands of dollars in commissions!

[Figures as of July 8, 2014.]

Top Producers for April 2014

Steve Vincent of Help-U-Sell Triad Realty in Greensboro, N.C.
Help-U-Sell Triad Realty finished April with 16 closed sides. Steve Vincent is the office's broker/owner.

Our top producers for last month gave new meaning to the phrase “April showers.” Closed sides poured in, thanks to the offices’ rainmakers.

1) Taking the top spot, Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties saw 21 closed sides: five buyer, 12 seller, and two dual-sided transactions.

2) North Carolina’s Help-U-Sell Triad Realty closed 16 sides comprised of five buyer sides, seven seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

3) Help-U-Sell Federal City closed 14 sides in April. The D.C.-based office’s closings consisted of three buyer sides, nine seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

4) Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty, in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, had three buyer sides, eight seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction for a total of 13 closed sides.

5) With a dozen sides, Help-U-Sell Greensboro completed four buyer sides, six seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

5) Virginia’s Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate claims fifth place with 11 closed sides: four buyer, one seller, and three dual-sided transactions.

5) Tied for fifth place, Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties, out of Chino Hills, California, closed nine seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

Congratulations to our top-producing offices for a stellar month! We also want to acknowledge our offices that helped their clients sell homes worth more than $1 million. Way to go, Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty, Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties, and Help-U-Sell Tri-Valley Homes. You saved your sellers thousands of dollars in commissions!

[Figures as of May 14, 2014.]

Top Producers for October 2013

John Powell of Help-U-Sell Galleria Realty
Help-U-Sell Galleria Realty, owned by broker John Powell with his wife Maria, tied for third place with 11 closed sides in October.

As regular readers of Connect know, we held our annual Success Summit last month. Our top-producing offices took the word “success” to heart. Combined, they closed 95 sides in October!

1) Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate, in Waynesboro, Va., completed the month with a lucky 13 closed sides: one buyer side, eight seller sides and two dual-sided transactions.

1) Tied for first place, Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties closed four buyer sides, seven seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

2) Help-U-Sell Metropolitan, in the greater Detroit area, finished the 10th month with 12 closed sides: eight buyer sides and four seller sides.

2) Help-U-Sell Santa Maria was almost as balanced as possible last month. Broker/owner Ken Kopcho’s office closed two buyer sides, four seller sides and three dual-sided transactions.

2) Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate, out of Eugene, Ore., also closed a dozen sides consisting of two buyer sides, eight seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

3) In a three-way tie for third place, Phoenix’s Help-U-Sell Galleria Realty claimed 11 closed sides. They were almost evenly split between buyers and sellers, with six being buyer sides and five seller sides.

3) Help-U-Sell Greensboro also had six buyer sides, which makes sense given broker/owner Jack Bailey’s successful buyer consultation program, along with three seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

3) North Carolina’s Help-U-Sell Triad Realty wrapped up October with two buyer sides, seven seller sides and one dual-sided transaction.

We celebrate our double-digit producers! We also want to acknowledge five offices that closed transactions on properties with sale prices of more than $1 million! Congratulations to Help-U-Sell Action Properties, Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty, Help-U-Sell Smart Realty Pasadena, Help-U-Sell Vantage Realty, and Help-U-Sell Westside Realty, which had two closings over $1 million. One was for $11 million, including furnishings!

[Figures updated as of Nov. 12, 2013.]

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