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Top Producers for May 2016

Help-U-Sell Greensboro
Help-U-Sell Greensboro closed 20 sides in May.

May was a banner month for two of our offices, who closed 20 or more sides! Others made the list of top producers for the first time in a while, and some helped sellers with $1 million-plus transactions. Congratulations to all!

1) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties edged out second place by just one. Their 21 closed sides consisted of six buyer sides, nine seller sides, and three dual-sided transactions.

2) Barely missing a tie for first, Help-U-Sell Greensboro completed 20 sides: six buyer, 10 seller, and two dual-sided transactions.

3) With a lucky 13 closed sides, Help-U-Sell Triad Realty finished third. The North Carolina office had three buyer sides, eight seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

4) Alabama’s Help-U-Sell Quad Cities Realty closed two buyer sides, six seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

5) Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate did 11 closed sides. One buyer side, six seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions made up their total.

6) In a three-way tie for sixth place, Help-U-Sell Jeff Braun Realty, out of Wisconsin, did two buyer sides, four seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

6) Utah-based Help-U-Sell Legacy helped four buyers and six sellers in May.

6) Help-U-Sell Options Unlimited, in Terre Haute, Indiana, rounds out the top producers with four buyer sides, two seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

Three offices helped their clients sell $1 million-plus properties. Great job saving your sellers thousands of dollars, Help-U-Sell Achievers Realty, Help-U-Sell Greensboro, and Help-U-Sell San Antonio Hill Country!

[Figures as of June 14, 2016]

Top Producers for April 2016

Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate
Kimberly Zelena (pictured with Ron McCoy of the corporate office) and her team at Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate closed 11 sides in April.

April put a spring in the step of several offices, who completed an average of 13 transaction sides.

1) In a three-way tie for first place, Pennsylvania’s Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty had 14 closed sides: two buyer sides, 10 seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

1) Help-U-Sell Greensboro‘s 14 sides consisted of two buyer sides, eight seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

1) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties helped three buyers and 11 sellers.

2) Help-U-Sell Triad Realty, out of North Carolina, closed 12 sides evenly split between buyers and sellers.

3) Virginia’s Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate took third place again with five buyer sides and six seller sides for a total of 11.

Way to go, everyone! Congratulations also to Help-U-Sell Alpha Paladins Realty for helping a client sell a $1 million property, saving the seller thousands of dollars in commission.

[Figures as of May 10, 2016]

Top Producers for March 2016

Lona Murphy of Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate, Eugene, Oregon
Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate, owned by Lona Murphy, had 15 closed sides in March.

March Madness translated into major success for a few of our offices. Six of them scored 10 or more closed sides each.

1) Help-U-Sell Greensboro, in North Carolina, took the crown for March with 17 closed sides, consisting of four buyer sides and 13 seller sides.

2) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties tied for second place by completing three buyer sides, 10 seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction for a total of 15 closed sides.

2) Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties, based in Chino Hills, Calif., had one buyer side, 12 seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

2) Also with 15 sides, Oregon’s Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate did four buyer sides, seven seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

3) Help-U-Sell Direct Savings Real Estate‘s 12 closed sides were a mixed bag. The Waynesboro, Va., office closed two buyer sides, six seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

4) North Carolina-based Help-U-Sell Triad Realty rounded out the list with 10 closed sides: two buyers, six sellers, and one dual-sided transaction.

A special congratulations to Help-U-Sell Conejo Valley and Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties for assisting sellers with $1 million-plus transactions.

[Figures updated April 13, 2016]

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Top Producers from September 2015

Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties
Richard Cricchio's office, Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties, was the company's top producer for the past year and for the past month.

Last month, several of our offices ushered in autumn with a windfall. The top six averaged 13.8 closed sides each.

1) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties closed 21 sides in September, five buyer sides, 10 seller sides, and three dual-sided transactions. The office also received awards at our annual Success Summit for closing the most sides and for taking the most new listings in the past 12 months.

2) Charlotte’s Help-U-Sell Buy Today had five buyer sides, eight seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction for a total of 15 closed sides. Appropriately, Buy Today also topped all offices for most buyer sides. It also made fourth place for overall closed sides.

3) Help-U-Sell Metropolitan wrapped the month with 13 closed sides. The Detroit-area office finished nine buyer sides and four seller sides. It took home the second-place award for most buyer sides in the past 12 months.

4) Help-U-Sell Edmond/OKC completed an even dozen sides: two buyer sides, six seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

4) Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties also had 12 closed sides. Eight of them were seller sides and two were dual-sided transactions. Broker/owner Pat Wood and his team earned second-place awards at our annual Success Summit for closed sides and for new listings.

5) Pennsylvania office Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty rounded out the top producers with 10 closed sides, consisting of one buyer side, seven seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

Honorary mentions go to our offices that closed seller transactions for more than $1 million: Help-U-Sell Carlsbad North County, Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties, and Help-U-Sell Westside Realty.

[Figures as of Oct. 14, 2015]

Help-U-Sell Real Estate Helps Buyers, Too

Help-U-Sell Real Estate agents help buyers, too.
Help-U-Sell Real Estate agents help buyers, too.

Our name says that our agents help consumers sell their homes, but we also help buyers. In fact, just last month, our top producers closed 50 buyer transactions. Buyers are an important component of our business model, and we love working with them.

Many of our offices have dedicated buyers’ agents to handle the buyer leads our listings attract. Some offices offer rebates as another incentive for buyers.

To help buyers as well as possible, agents need to be trained in all aspects of the buying process. Our second 10-week buyer consultant training course for our brokers and agents just wrapped up this week. Run by Jack Bailey, broker/owner of Help-U-Sell Greensboro, the course covered everything from construction basics to financing programs to how to build buyers’ confidence and trust. Some attendees from the first course have already reported more buyer sides closed, and the teachings about lesser-known financing options like over-par pricing can save transactions.

For an overview of how we approach the buyer relationship, watch our video. You’ll see how our brokers and agents help buyers create a real estate plan for their financial future and find the best home for them in responsive and transparent manner.

Our website also helps buyers start their home searches. From the corporate site, users are directed to a local office’s search results page, where they can filter their searches by a variety of amenities and factors, such as waterfront and local schools. The search functionality also allows users to draw their own boundaries to find listings within the area’s confines. Further enhancements to the data are in the works and will make our search even more attractive for buyers.

If you love working with buyers and would like more information about joining Help-U-Sell Real Estate, visit our Franchise Opportunity Center.