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Top Producers for August 2012

Our top producers apparently didn’t take vacations in August. The offices, representing five different states, rounded out the last unofficial month of summer with a combined total of 47 closed sides.

1) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties finished in first place again, but on its own this time, matching July’s impressive 16 closed sides. Half of those were seller-only, six were buyer-only and one was a double-sided transaction.

2) In a three-way tie for second place, Help-U-Sell Central Properties, out of Chandler, Ariz., had eight closed sides: seven seller-only sides and one buyer-only side.

2) Also with eight sides, Indiana’s Help-U-Sell Options Unlimited closed two double-sided transactions, three seller-only sides and one buyer-only side.

2) Help-U-Sell Santa Maria in California rounded out the second-place finishers. Ken Kopcho’s office closed one double-sided transaction, four seller-only sides and two buyer-only sides.

3) Perennial top producer Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty took third place with seven closed sides, five of which were buyer-only sides.

Congratulations to everyone!

[Figures as of Sept. 4, 2012.]

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