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OMS Upgrades – Dashboard and Listing Module Redesign

We are almost finished upgrading the Office Management System to match your broker and the corporate website redesign and to make the OMS easier to use.

Here is a preview of how the new OMS Dashboard will look. The graphs will be moved below the Alerts in the actual working version.

New Help-U-Sell Real Estate Dashboard redesign
Here is a preview of the new Help-U-Sell Real Estate Dashboard redesign.

In the new design, you will also be able to add custom events to the calendar. We expect to have the new Dashboard up and running by the end of the week.

We are also redesigning and streamlining the Listing Module. It will resemble an MLS form, and the number of tabs will reduce from the current eight down to just four.

We want to hear your feedback on the new look and, once it’s live, the functionality of the OMS redesign. Comment below or contact Tony directly.

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