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Top Producers for December 2015

Tracy Jacobs, Broker/Owner of Help-U-Sell Quad Cities Realty
Tracy Jacobs, Broker/Owner of Help-U-Sell Quad Cities Realty, and her team closed 13 sides in December.

Our top offices for December ended the year with a bang! They averaged 12 closed sides each as the calendar dwindled to one page.

1) Help-U-Sell Triad Realty wrapped up the month with 15 closed sides: five buyer sides, four seller sides, and three dual-sided transactions.

2) Alabama’s Help-U-Sell Quad Cities Realty scored a lucky 13 closed sides with two buyer sides, seven seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

3) In a tie for third place, Help-U-Sell Federal City Realty, out of Washington, D.C., closed 12 sides, consisting of six buyer sides, four seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

3) Oregon-based Help-U-Sell Select Real Estate completed three buyer sides, four seller sides, and and two dual-sided transactions for a total of a dozen closed sides.

4) Help-U-Sell Buy Today, in Charlotte, helped seven buyers and four sellers to finish December with 11 closed sides.

4) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties also had 11 closed sides, made up of one buyer side and 10 seller sides. Two of those sales were for properties worth more than $1 million. The sellers saved tens of thousands of dollars in commission.

5) Rounding out the list, Help-U-Sell Metropolitan‘s 10 closed sides were six buyer sides and four seller sides.

Congratulations to everyone! We look forward to seeing what you accomplish in 2016!

[Figures as of January 12, 2016]

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