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Tools to Use: Building “brand” awareness (you are your BRAND.)

By Tamara Patzer, Help-U-Sell Communications Resource

Tamara Patzer
Tamara Patzer

Last month, we talked about why social media is a useful as a tool to Help-U-Sell Realtors. Now, it’s important to learn how to use social media tools for branding purposes. When we say “brand,” we are really talking about your personal image or persona that people will see and learn about via your social interactions on the web.

 Use logos and  avatars

1)  Use your company logo or avatar (symbol) with your personal photo to help people “see” you online. This is an excellent time to update, freshen and get some good photos of yourself. You don’t have to have a professional head shot made, but do choose a photo that brings out your best qualities. Choose a photo that is friendly, inviting and professional looking. Don’t choose photo of yourself that might offend anyone (avoid having a shot of you drinking, smoking or partying). Remember, your image will be on the Web for the world to see.

Build Up Your Influence

2) Build Sphere of Influence (People are hanging out on the Web): You have access to your sphere of influence’s sphere. This is powerful! You know many more people than you realize. As with any networking system, start with the people you know. All social media sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn search through your email for possible friends requests. Start here and than watch your friend list grow as you make connections with former classmates, co-workers, friends of friends, etc.

Be Yourself

3) Personal and Interactive: You are a real person, so interact as YOU! People want to do business with people not a company! When you first start using Facebook or any other site, it’s wise to Lurk (web talk for listen, watch and read). You will learn about your social community and this in turn will help you learn how to interact with your online friends.

Be Trustworthy!

4) Customers expect “instant” information and want to deal with legitimate, trustworthy PEOPLE. If you promote yourself as an expert, your social network will expect  you to deliver regularly about what you know. The days of promoting yourself as a Superstar or No. 1 in your field are over. Now it’s about delivery. What can you do for  me right now.


5) Permission-based marketing vs. Interruption-based marketing. You invite people to be part of your social group. If they accept, great. If not, that’s OK, too.

Educate people

6)      Educate consumers. Your potential customers have probably already done their due-diligence. Be a Resource. Bring value to your clients. You can bring value to your social network in many ways. Not only can your provide information about real estate and mortgage information, you can provide local community information. You can always share a local news feed on your social sites, or provide information about local events. Use your imagination about types of quality information you can provide to your internet neighbors.

Do it today

Your assignment for this month is to join Facebook. It’s simple. Just go to and follow the directions. Be sure that you create a complete profile, so others can understand who you are. Yes, please include me as your friend on Facebook:  Tamara Patzer

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