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Need Help with Your Business? Email Recruiting Campaign

By James Dingman

Dan Desmond from Forked River, New Jersey, asked me to work on a drip recruiting campaign to help attract agents to Help-U-Sell offices.  I’ve been fiddling with it for about a month and would like to get your input and ideas before finalizing it in the Download Library.  I’ve tried to use photographs (all legally available via Microsoft’s Clip Art online) to dramatize each piece.  I chose ones I thought were cute or funny or interesting enough to be passed around — aiming for a little viral effect there.  There are six pieces and when they are finalized I’ll put them in the library in a format that can be used with email.  If you think you could use them in a postcard or flyer format, I’ll create versions for that as well.  I’m going to put them up here on the setfeeblog over the next few days.  Please give me your feedback:  is the wording OK?  How about the photos — do they work?  Is there an angle I could use to create another or a better piece?

Tired of Begging?

Begging for listings?  Begging for buyer loyalty?  Begging for leads?  When what you have to offer is exactly what everyone else has to offer, sophisticated begging becomes standard operating procedure.

It’s remarkable how little begging comes into play when you have something different that works.  That’s what we have at Help-U-Sell:  a unique consumer offering.  People ask to see it and when we show it to them they almost always like it.  Why not stop by and let me show it to you.


Get Out of the Box!

You don’t have to have the same real estate career everyone else has.  You can do something bigger, better and lots more fun!  Find out what lies outside the box:  take a look at Help-U-Sell.


How Much Does Your Real Estate Career Cost?

Newspaper ads, homes magazines, flyers, signs, all of that marketing you have to pay for – is it eating away at your bottom line? At Help-U-Sell, marketing is the office’s responsibility. Because our brokers orchestrate a carefully developed marketing plan that gets maximum results for all of our listings and all of our agents, you can relax and do what you do best: put buyers and sellers together. And isn’t that why you got a license in the first place? Stop by and let me show you the power of our marketing and how it keeps everyone in the office busy every day


Become the Expert Next Door

I wrote 18 Offers to Purchase my first week in the business. It was all part of my Science to Sales Training. By the end of that first week I had more experience writing offers than some of the old pros in the business. Science to Sales is just one of the tools we have to get you started – or restarted – fast.

Isn’t it time you stopped watching and waiting and started doing? Drop by and let me show you how Help-U-Sell agents stay productive.


Got Leads?

Tired of sitting floor time and getting nothing? Help-U-Sell offices approach the business differently: they are lead generating machines. All that’s missing is YOU: someone to take the leads the office generates and turn them into closings.

Here’s a Challenge: Take a look at each of your sales for the past 12 months and note how many resulted from leads that were handed to you by your office. Then bring the list down to my office and let’s compare.


Buyer Loyalty: The Impossible Dream?

At Help-U-Sell, we don’t think so. We’ll teach you how to develop a Real Estate Plan for each of your buyers that can leave them with more house, less debt, more equity and a start on financial independence.

A wonderful thing happens when you help people save money, build equity and get what they want all at the same time; they become more than past clients, they become fans. Why not drop by the office and let me show you how we use the Real Estate Plan to build buyer loyalty.

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