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11 Steps to a Great Website (abbreviated)

Day 1: Get Syndication Information

______Step 1: Get signed IDX agreement from your local Multiple Listing Service.

______Step 2: Send IDX agreement to Robert “Robbie” Stevens at Help-U-Sell® Corporate. Email:

______Step 3: Be proactive. Check with Robbie to be sure the IDX agreement has been signed and activated. Call him at (941) 951-7007 or email him at


Day 2: Confirm Office Details

______Step 1: Go to the Help-U-Sell OMS site and confirm your office contact details.


______Step 2: Input your Help-U-Sell® office email address ONLY to the office contact screen. This is important! Using the Help-U-Sell® office email address assures that your listings will be connected through the Help-U-Sell® corporate site for lead generation from all syndication sites such as Trulia and Zillow.

______Step 3: Under office details, confirm your office physical address to aid geo-mapping tools.

______Step 4: Confirm all contact details including agent information. Note: Under contact information, it is OK to use an agent’s personal email as long as the Office Detail Email contact is the Help-U-Sell® office email address. Example:

Day 3: Write Office Profile

______Step 1: Write an office profile for your “About Us” page for your broker website. Talk about your office and personal achievements. Example:


Day 4: Write Agent Profiles

______Step 1: After writing your office profile, be sure to write profiles for each agent who works in your office. Get high quality headshots of each person saved in digital jpeg format.

______Step 2: Go to the OMS site and copy and paste your profiles onto the “About Us” page and copy and paste the “Our Team” profiles with photographs into that category.

Day 5:  Post profiles to and

______Step 1: After posting the profiles in the OMS site, go to and as well as all Help-U-Sell® syndicated sites and create/complete or update profile(s) with office address and Help-U-Sell® office email address for proper syncing of information between all websites. Profiles are very important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

6: Research Key words

______Step 1: Go to Google Insights.

______Step 2: Choose 10 key words or phrases to research.

Worksheet for Key Word Search: Chose 10 keywords or phrases to review at Google Insights.











Type in your first search phrase in the ‘Search Terms’ field, then click on the ‘Add search term’ link.

Now, type in your alternative search phrases. Also select your region; you want to be at least at a state level.


______Step 3: Gather and analyze results. (For step-by-step details, use the Google Insights manual.)


Day 7: Using your top 10 key words and phrases, write original and local content for your web pages.

______Step 1: You will want to write original content related to the keywords you want to use on your website to help create quality traffic.

______Step 2: To generate quality traffic at your website, you want to write original and local content using the appropriate keywords. Do not overload your keywords. Limit it to 20 percent of the content. Original and local content helps narrow your competition for attention on the Internet.

______Step 3: An easy way to find some quality source material is to do a Google search for your chosen keyword or phrase. Look at the top three choices in the organic search and use that material for informational purposes. DO NOT COPY and PASTE or plagiarize. Rewrite the quality content in your own words.


Day 8: Add fresh content to your website.

______Step 1: Go to the OMS site and go to set up website.

______Step 2: Copy and paste your new original and localized content into your pages. Note: You can change, delete or add pages to your website. To add pages, contact Robbie Stevens.

Day 9: Edit “Boiler Plate” pages.

______Step 1: Go to your website and review all the “boiler” plate pages. Your job is to add “localization” to the “canned information.” For example, where is says Help-U-Sell, you can add our full company name.

Day 10: Join Social Networking Sites

______Step 1: Join Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

It is easy to join Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Just go to their Website and follow the directions. (Help-U-Sell has a detailed how-to Manual for Facebook, if you need

It) It is available in your workbook or at the download library in the OMS site.


______Step 2: After you have joined your favorite social networking sites. Send your links to corporate headquarters and Robbie will add your links to your website.

11. Maintenance of Website and Social Media

______Step 1: Plan to spend about one hour a week on updates related to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

______Step 2: About every two months, plan to check your profiles and content area of your website and other sites such as and Update your information.


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