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7 Tips to Creating Successful Real Estate Videos

Video has been growing in importance as a marketing tool for the past few years, and 2013 promises to make the medium even more vital especially for real estate marketing. How can you take advantage of this trend?

We’ve compiled seven tips on what to do (and what not to do, especially regarding mobile optimization of videos) to create a successful video.

  • Avoid tiny text.
  • Use clear audio.
  • Put links to your website and related sites, such as your blog or a property listing, in the description.
  • Include keywords in the description.
  • Use close-up shots of interesting property features, neighborhood sites or interviewees.
  • Test the video on mobile devices.
  • Keep it no longer than 3 or 4 minutes, ideally 1 to 2 minutes.

Matt Kellam of Help-U-Sell Keystone Realty does a great job with the length, audio and keywords. Watch one of his recent videos of a property tour.

Not sure what to film? Try out this suggested content:

  • Property tours: If possible, record the sellers’ story of the home and focus on unique details of the property.
  • Neighborhood overviews: Give viewers a feel for the area and speak with local proprietors and residents about why they love the neighborhood.
  • Tips for buyers and sellers: Answer your most frequently asked questions (one per video).
  • Market updates: Share the most recent sales figures or give the latest interest rate information. Use graphs or other visuals to help explain the changes.
  • Client testimonials: Record your happy sellers’ and buyers’ praising you and your staff.

Do you have any other ideas for video content or tips for successful videos? If so, please share them with us.

[Special thanks to Inman News‘ Mobile Marketing Essentials webinar for a few of these tips.]

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