The Power of Community Involvement

Terre Haute South Little League team
Help-U-Sell Options Unlimited sponsored the Terre Haute South Little League team this past spring.

Real estate is ultimately a people business and a local business. So getting involved in your community makes a lot of sense from a marketing standpoint, and, of course, it can be emotionally rewarding and fun, too.

This past spring, Bob and Brenda Fischer of Help-U-Sell Options Unlimited sponsored the Terre Haute South Little League team, knowing the area was impoverished and, therefore, not attractive to other marketers. The Fischers attended games so regularly, Brenda was recognized by a team parent as a Help-U-Sell broker while she was at the supermarket. Sponsorship achieved brand recognition, but more importantly helped kids in the community get to play a game they love. Options Unlimited is sponsoring a team this fall, too.

Help-U-Sell Options Unlimited in Terre Haute, Ind.
Help-U-Sell Options Unlimited's Army of Red getting ready to march in the Terre Haute Labor Day Parade

Options Unlimited’s support from the community showed earlier this month at the Terre Haute Labor Day Parade. The biggest Labor Day parade in Indiana, it was televised throughout the state. The Fischers mustered up 25 walkers. Besides family, agents and friends, the “Army of Red” contained previous clients who were “more than willing to participate,” says Bob. The Army passed out candy and promotional cards along the parade route.

Options Unlimited has closed 23 sides so far this year in a metropolitan area of only 170,000.

How are you involved in your community? What are your plans to get more involved?

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