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Top Producers from September 2015

Richard Cricchio of Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties
Richard Cricchio's office, Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties, was the company's top producer for the past year and for the past month.

Last month, several of our offices ushered in autumn with a windfall. The top six averaged 13.8 closed sides each.

1) Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties closed 21 sides in September, five buyer sides, 10 seller sides, and three dual-sided transactions. The office also received awards at our annual Success Summit for closing the most sides and for taking the most new listings in the past 12 months.

2) Charlotte’s Help-U-Sell Buy Today had five buyer sides, eight seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction for a total of 15 closed sides. Appropriately, Buy Today also topped all offices for most buyer sides. It also made fourth place for overall closed sides.

3) Help-U-Sell Metropolitan wrapped the month with 13 closed sides. The Detroit-area office finished nine buyer sides and four seller sides. It took home the second-place award for most buyer sides in the past 12 months.

4) Help-U-Sell Edmond/OKC completed an even dozen sides: two buyer sides, six seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

4) Help-U-Sell Prestige Properties also had 12 closed sides. Eight of them were seller sides and two were dual-sided transactions. Broker/owner Pat Wood and his team earned second-place awards at our annual Success Summit for closed sides and for new listings.

5) Pennsylvania office Help-U-Sell Detwiler Realty rounded out the top producers with 10 closed sides, consisting of one buyer side, seven seller sides, and one dual-sided transaction.

Honorary mentions go to our offices that closed seller transactions for more than $1 million: Help-U-Sell Carlsbad North County, Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties, and Help-U-Sell Westside Realty.

[Figures as of Oct. 14, 2015]

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