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Tools to Use: Social Media

If you own a computer and use email, more than likely you have been invited to join some social network. If you haven’t jumped on Mr. Toad’s wild social media ride, it’s time. Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter and myriad other social sites are where today’s real estate buyers and sellers are socializing. As a matter of fact, if Facebook were a country, it would be the world’s fourth largest.

Try it

One of the keys to marketing success is visibility. Your online presence could include your personal website, corporate website, Facebook, LinkedIn, and myriad other online tools. Everything you do can help boost your visibility and helps make every other bit of your marketing efforts more powerful! You don’t have to belong to every social networking site out there, but do join one or two and try it. Find out what works for you. Embrace it. Social Networking should not be seen as a quick fix for your marketing woes, but Social Media should definitely be part of your media mix.

 Create an online presence

According to the National Association of Realtors, more than 75 percent of people buying a home today start their search using the Internet. This means you need to have a presence. Don’t be in a big hurry to see quick results. Social Networking Marketing is about relationship building and trust. It takes time – expect 6 to 12 months to get any results. It’s a long-term project, so you have to give it a fair shot.

 Prospecting time

If you are telling yourself, you don’t have time to update your Facebook or Twitter on a regular basis, eliminate that excuse right now. Your time on Facebook or any social networking site is prospecting time. Yes, it’s legitimate time well spent cultivating your relationship with future, past and present clients.

 Simple rules

There are few rules to using social media. First, don’t spam people with boring advertorials about yourself. The days of “I’m No. 1” are out and now it’s about how you can help others. As a Help-U-Sell® team member, you already have the heart and soul of a successful social media maven or maverick.

1)      You want to share useful information with everyone. Use this natural tendency to share information about your community, other people’s successes and interesting bits and pieces of information you pick up along the way.

2)      Be yourself. For some, this means you’re funny. For others, it’s about sharing the latest statistics and trends. Still others have hobbies, pets or pet peeves to share. It’s all about being U!

 Here are some ideas about how social media will help you build your Help-U-Sell® business: 

1)      Build Brand Awareness – Use your Help-U-Sell® logo with your personal photo.

 2)      Build Sphere of Influence (People are hanging out on the Web): You have access to your sphere of influence’s sphere. This is powerful!

 3)      Personal and Interactive: You are a real person, so interact as YOU! People want to do business with people not a company!

 4)      Customers expect “instant” information and want to deal with legitimate, trustworthy PEOPLE.

 5)      Permission-based marketing vs. Interruption-based marketing. You invite people to be part of your social group. If they accept, great. If not, that’s OK, too.

 6)      Educate consumers. Your potential customers have probably already done their due-diligence. Be a Resource. Bring value to your clients.

Your assignment for this month is to join Facebook. It’s simple. Just go to and follow the directions. Be sure that you create a complete profile, so others can understand who you are. Become a fan of Help-U-Sell® and go from there. 

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