Five Tips for Success in the Luxury Real Estate Market

Help-U-Sell Westside Realty's Beverly Hills property listing
The sale of this $6 million Beverly Hills home is pending. It is listed with Help-U-Sell Westside Realty.

Being a set-fee broker and selling high-end real estate shouldn’t be mutually exclusive. In fact, this is where Help-U-Sell Real Estate should thrive. We can save luxury home sellers the most money.

Earlier this year, Henry Ho, of Help-U-Sell Westside Realty in Los Angeles, sold a $10.5 million apartment complex, saving the seller a few hundred thousand dollars.

Help-U-Sell Grein Group in Stafford, Va., can also claim success in high-end real estate. If you would like to enter into this market, Bettina Grein and Henry Ho offer the following advice.

  • Send targeted mailings to upscale neighborhoods. Grein says her office mails just-listed and just-sold cards. The cards also make a point of emphasizing how much sellers saved versus a 6% commission. The savings are particularly powerful once you’ve sold a luxury home.
  • Prove your expertise. “The client has to feel comfortable that you have knowledge and expertise to handle more expensive properties,” Ho says. Study the local high-end market, know how to analyze and interpret financial statements and hone your negotiating skills. If you’re looking to break into a more specialized market, such as apartment buildings, get certified.
  • Be tech savvy. Take advantage of all the available tools for marketing a home and be prepared to show examples, says Ho.
  • Use personal referrals. Ho believes testimonials from mutual contacts are your best form of advertising. Who in your center of influence knows potential upscale sellers?
  • Give a strong explanation of how Help-U-Sell works. Grein says because high-end homeowners are often type-A personalities with high expectations, it is crucial to demonstrate that Help-U-Sell performs the same services as traditional brokerages.

The luxury real estate market is yours for the taking. If you have more tips or if you try this advice with success, share with us.

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