We want to officially announce that John Powell has joined the Help-U-Sell Real Estate corporate staff! As many of you know, John is a veteran franchisee. He has also presented at our Success Summits and coaches other franchisees. He served as a regional director, as well, so he is very familiar with our system from all aspects.
Now, he is our Chief Development Officer.
While he spread the company’s message in the Tucson area as broker-owner of Help-U-Sell Galleria, his new position affords him the chance to do this on a larger scale.
“I joined the corporate team to help as many brokers as possible enjoy the success that I have experienced with Help-U-Sell Real Estate,” John says.
“My role has two primary objectives: one is coaching existing offices to increase their production and profitability by focusing on marketing, adding good people to their staff, training those people, and setting up systems to make the office run smoothly and efficiently,” he says. “The second role is to help build franchise sales to bring more brokers in to the Help-U-Sell Real Estate family and grow the franchise.”
The corporate staff is excited to have John officially on board.
“John brings decades of real estate and regional development experience, on top of being a Help-U-Sell Real Estate family member for nearly 30 years,” says Robert Stevens, our Chief Operations Officer. “He will be driving network growth and development to help us reach our goals for 2016-17 and beyond.”
If you are a current broker who is interested in joining a coaching group, please get in touch. If you are not yet one of our franchisees but would like to learn about becoming one, please visit helpusellfranchise.com.