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Connections from the field December 2009

Help-U-Sell team members are active in their communities and this month we have found some folks who are achieving great things out in the field. If you need good ideas, check out:

Dan Desmond, dandesmondHelp-U-Sell Bay Beach Realty, Jersey Shore, NJ, has a strong presence with his peers and clients on Facebook. He regularly makes valuable comments about real estate with a quality dose of personal happenings that get responses.

 Meena Gujral, MeenagrjralHelp-U-Sell Achievers, Fremont, CA, is getting hot buyer leads from her free Trulia account. She started by providing valuable answers to consumers asking questions there. See her story in December’s Help-U-Sell Connect.

 Michael Klein, mikeklein Help-U-Sell of Prescott, AZ, writes Everybody’s Hometown Blog for the Prescott, Arizona area. Michael is very active with social media. Check out his video about Prescott. It’s a good example of how to use your local expertise to help people understand a community and Help-U-Sell®.

Mikki Hart, mikkihartHelp-U-Sell Consumer Choice, Amarillo, TX, delivered homemade cookies to more than 140 employee-based businesses this month. What a “sweet” way to say thank you to your community.


Maurine Grisso, maurinedgHelp-U-Sell of Santa Rosa, CA, had some awesome business plans strategies for team members and she has a very detailed contact form on her website.


 Phil Sims philsims of Help-U-Sell Sims Realty in Carrollton, TX, has some good videos posted on his website related to the Tax Credits currently available.



tinyhelpusellDaniel Perez, Help-U-Sell Southland Realty, Van Nuys, CA, says thanks for the quality lead that was generated from the national Help-U-Sell website. He is a regular attendee for Robbie Stevens’  Tech Talk Tuesday meetings that start at 11 a.m. PST.

If you have some good news, please send your Communications Resource Tami Patzer an email with the details and links to

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