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Top Producers for October 2014

Help-U-Sell Hometown Realty in York, Penn.
Help-U-Sell Hometown Realty broker-owner Tiffany Bullaj and staff closed 11 transaction sides in October.

Congratulations to our top offices for October! They closed a total of 49 transaction sides in what is typically a slow month.

1) We announced Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties as our top-producing office at last month’s Success Summit, so it is no surprise to see the office at the top of the leader board again. Richard Cricchio and crew closed 17 sides: one buyer, 12 seller, and two dual-sided transactions.

2) Second place saw a two-way tie with 11 closed sides each. Help-U-Sell Edmond/OKC closed two buyer sides, five seller sides, and two dual-sided transactions.

2) Help-U-Sell Hometown Realty, based out of York, Penn., finished the month with three buyer sides and eight seller sides.

3) Help-U-Sell Greensboro, our top office for the year in buyer-side transactions, completed three buyer sides and seven seller sides in October to take third place.

We also want to recognize our offices that helped their clients sell homes for $1 million or more. Congratulations to Help-U-Sell Honolulu Properties, Help-U-Sell Tri-Valley Homes, Help-U-Sell Westside Realty, and Help-U-Sell Wright Realtors (who sold a home just $500 shy of $1 million).

[Figures as of Nov. 11, 2014.]

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